The PIC32MX370F512L-I/TL is a 32-bit microcontroller with up to 100MHz maximum clock frequency, designed by Microchip. It features two 16-bit analog comparators, two I2C ports, and two SPI/I2S ports; as well as a 28 channel, 8-channel 10-bit A/D converter with up to 500ksps sampling rate. The PIC32MX370F512L-I/TL features 512 Kbytes of Flash program memory, 64 Kbytes of SRAM and use low power operation down to 1.6V. In addition, the microcontroller offers a wide range of intelligent peripheral multiplexers, timers, RTCs and power management modules. It is ideal for use in a range of applications, such as automation, robotics, motor control, open-loop control systems, closed-loop control systems, sensing or measurement applications, medical and fitness applications, and industrial control applications.