The PIC32MX430F064L-V/PF is a 32-bit MICROCONTROLLER (MCU) with 64 kilobytes of flash memory, 16 kilobytes of RAM, and processing power of up to 80 MHz. The CTMU (Charge Time Measurement Unit) is a hardware block designed to simplify pulse-width measurements, while the I2S (Inter-IC Sound) interface is used to communicate with audio codecs and other I2S-compatible components. An enhanced DMA (Direct Memory Access) controller helps to reduce the load on the CPU when transferring data between peripherals and memory. To provide an easy connection to the PC, the MCU includes USB-OTG (Universal Serial Bus On-The-Go), which allows for USB device/host operation. This product is manufactured by Microchip, a leading provider of microcontrollers, analog, power and timing devices.