The PIC32MX450F128L-ITL is a microcontroller from the PIC32MX family of devices from Microchip Technology. The device is a 32-bit, flash microcontroller based on the MIPS M4K core architecture, operating at a maximum speed of 60 MHz. It has 128KB of program memory, 16KB of SRAM, 4KB of EEPROM, 4KB of data EEPROM and 8K of boot flash memory. It also includes a 10-bit ADC module with 10 channels, a 5-channel Capture Compare PWM module, one I²C module with multi-master capability, two SPI modules, two UARTs and four timers. The device has a 32-bit external bus interface, providing access to external memories and peripherals, as well as to a variety of external interfaces, including up to 8X FTDI, up to 8X FlexBus, and up to 128-bit DMA. It is available in SOIC-28 package, with an operating temperature range from -40°C to +85°C.