The PIC32MX450F128L-V/PF with 32-bit Microcontrollers-MCU 80MHz 2anlg cmp 2I2C 2SPI/I2S 28Ch is an integrated circuit manufactured by Microchip, a leader in the semiconductor industry. The application of the part is to generate labels, cards or other data for identification. It is an integrated Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) microcontroller that has a 32-bit RISC processor and operates at up to 80MHz. The device features advanced peripheral support including a 12-bit analog to digital converter, two I2C interfaces, two SPI/I2S interfaces and 28 channels of configurable IO, as well as a range of on-chip memory and flash resources. Thisdevice is based on the highly acclaimed PIC32 microcontroller architecture, and is suitable for applications that require the processing of data for fast and efficient identification. Further, it can be used in a wide range of applications within the RFID, WLAN, healthcare, automotive and industrial control industries.