580 Pleasant Street Watertown, MA 02472 Phone:(617) 926-0404 F A X : (617) 924-1235 UPS835L SURFACE MOUNT SCHOTTKY BARRIER POWERMITE 3 Surface Mount Power Package RECTIFIER 8 AMP 35 VOLT Features Low Profile Maximum height of 1.1 mm Footprint Area of 16.51 mm Low V Provides Higher Efficiency F Supplied in 16mm Tape and Reel 6000 units/reel Low Thermal Resistance with Direct Thermal Path of Die on Exposed Cathode Heat Sink Mechanical Characteristics Case: Molded Epoxy Meets UL94VO at 1/8 inch Weight: 72 milligrams (approximate) Device Marking UPS835L Lead and Mounting Surface Temperature for Soldering = 260C Maximum for 10 Seconds Maximum Ratings RATING (Conditions) SYMBOL VALUE UNIT Peak Repetitive Reverse Voltage V 35 V RRM Working Peak Reverse Voltage V 35 V RWM DC Blocking Voltage V 35 V R Average Rectified Forward Current ( Rated V and T = 100C) I 8 A R C O Repetitive Peak Surge Current (Non-Repetitive peak surge current I 100 A FSM I = 8 Amps ) 0 Storage Temperature Range T , T - 55 to 150 C stg C Operating Temperature Range T - 55 to 125 C J Voltage Rate of Change ( Rated V and T = 25C ) dv/dt 1000 V/us R J Thermal Characteristics Thermal Resistance, Junction to -- Case Rtjtab 3 C/W Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient Rtja 60 C/W MSC1422.PDF 03-09-01 UPS835L Electrical Characteristics RATING (Conditions) SYMBOL VALUE UNITS Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage (I = 8 Amps, T = + 25 C) V 0.51 Volts F C F V 0.41 (I = 8 Amps, T = +125C) F F C I 1.40 mA Maximum Instantaneous Reverse Current (Rated Vdc, T = + 25C) C R I 35.0 (Rated Vdc, T = + 125C) C R MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS MSC1422.PDF 03-09-01