The 74HCT273PW.112 is a quad D-type flip-flop integrated circuit (IC) manufactured by Nexperia. This IC contains four independent flip-flops, each with data (D) and clock (CP) inputs, set (SI) and reset (R) inputs, and a buffered Q output. The CP input along with the set and reset inputs are asynchronous; they are level sensitive and could be used separately or together in order to set and reset the flip-flops. When the power supply is brought up, the SI and R inputs can be used to preset the Outputs. It has a reset terminal that provides a reset signal during power-up, power-down, or when the logic is to be reset. The 74HCT273PW.112 is capable of operating over a wide voltage range, from 2V to 5.5V, making it suitable for many applications.