Freescale Semiconductor Document Number: MCF52277 Rev. 8, 09/2009 Data Sheet: Technical Data MCF52277 LQFP176 MAPBGA196 24 mm x 24 mm 15mm x 15mm MCF5227x ColdFire Microprocessor Data Sheet Features Version 2 ColdFire Core with EMAC Up to 159 Dhrystone 2.1 MIPS 166.67 MHz 8 Kbytes configurable cache (instruction only, data only, or split instruction/data) 128 Kbytes internal SRAM Support for booting from SPI-compatible flash, EEPROM, and FRAM devices Crossbar switch technology (XBS) for concurrent access to peripherals or RAM from multiple bus masters 16 channel DMA controller 16- or 32-bit SDR/DDR controller USB 2.0 On-the-Go controller Liquid crystal display controller with support up to 800 600 pixels ADC and touchscreen controller FlexCAN module 4 32-bit timers with DMA support DMA supported serial peripheral interface (DSPI) 3 UARTs 2 I C bus interface Synchronous serial interface (SSI) Plus-width modulator (PWM) Real-time clock (RTC) Two programmable interrupt controllers (PIT) Freescale reserves the right to change the detail specifications as may be required to permit improvements in the design of its products. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2009. All rights reserved.Table of Contents 1 MCF5227x Family Comparison 4 5.5 Oscillator and PLL Electrical Characteristics 19 2 Ordering Information .5 5.6 ASP Electrical Characteristics . 20 3 Hardware Design Considerations .5 5.7 External Interface Timing Specifications . 21 3.1 PLL Power Filtering .5 5.7.1 FlexBus 21 3.2 USB Power Filtering 5 5.7.2 SDRAM Bus . 23 3.3 ADC Power Filtering 6 5.8 General Purpose I/O Timing 29 3.4 Supply Voltage Sequencing 6 5.9 Reset and Configuration Override Timing 29 3.4.1 Power Up Sequence 6 5.10 LCD Controller Timing Specifications . 30 3.4.2 Power Down Sequence 6 5.11 USB On-The-Go Specifications 33 3.5 Power Consumption Specifications .7 5.12 SSI Timing Specifications 34 2 4 Pin Assignments and Reset States .9 5.13 I C Timing Specifications 36 4.1 Signal Multiplexing .9 5.14 DMA Timer Timing Specifications 38 4.2 Pinout176 LQFP 14 5.15 DSPI Timing Specifications . 38 4.3 Pinout196 MAPBGA .15 5.16 SBF Timing Specifications 39 5 Electrical Characteristics 15 5.17 JTAG and Boundary Scan Timing Specifications 40 5.1 Maximum Ratings .16 5.18 Debug AC Timing Specifications . 42 5.2 Thermal Characteristics 17 6 Package Information . 43 5.3 ESD Protection .18 7 Product Documentation . 43 5.4 DC Electrical Specifications .18 8 Revision History 44 MCF5227x ColdFire Microprocessor Data Sheet, Rev. 8 2 Freescale Semiconductor