The CYPS2501 (KK) is an optocoupler developed and manufactured by OCIC. It is a DIP-4 RoHS component which is used to provide electrical isolation between circuits. It works by converting electrical signals into light signals and then using a light-sensitive photo-detector in order to regenerate the original signal on the other side, thus providing an effective electrical connection while maintaining electrical isolation. This device is available in a wide range of output types including push-pull, source-sink, Darlington, Totem-Pole, Open Drain, and other configurations. It also has a wide range of operating temperature ranges from -40°C to +85°C. The CYPS2501 (KK) is RoHS compliant and has a high isolation voltage rating of 5000Vrms, making it ideal for use in industrial, data acquisition, telecom, automotive, test and instrumentation, commercial, and consumer applications.