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AX-SFAZ, AX-SFAZ-API Ultra-Low Power, AT Command / API Controlled, Sigfox Compliant Transceiver IC for Up-Link and Down-Link www.onsemi.com OVERVIEW Circuit Description 8 GPIO pins AXSFAZ and AX SFAZAPI are ultralow power 2 GPIO pins with selectable voltage measure single chip solutions for a node on the Sigfox network with functionality, differential (1 V or 10 V range) or both up and downlink functionality. The AXSFAZ chip single ended (1 V range) with 10 bit resolution is delivered fully ready for operation and contains all the 2 GPIO pins with selectable sigma delta DAC necessary firmware to transmit and receive data from the output functionality Sigfox network in Australia/New Zealand (SIGFOX RCZ4 2 GPIO pins with selectable output clock region). It connects to the customer product using a logic 3 GPIO pins selectable as SPI master interface level RS232 UART. AT commands are used to send frames RX/TX switching Control and configure radio parameters. The AX SFAZ API variant is intended for customers Power Consumption wishing to write their own application software based on the Ultralow Power Consumption: AXSFLIB1GEVK library. Charge required to send a Sigfox OOB packet at 24 dBm output power: 0.28 C Features Deepsleep mode current: 100 nA Functionality and Ecosystem Sleep mode current: 1.3 A Sigfox uplink and downlink functionality controlled Standby mode current: 0.5 mA by AT commands or API Continuous radio RXmode at 922.3 MHz : The AXSFAZ and AXSFAPI ICs are part of a 34 mA whole development and product ecosystem available Continuous radio TXmode at 920.8 MHz from ON Semiconductor for any Sigfox requirement. 230 mA 24 dBm Other parts of the ecosystem include Ready to go development kit High Performance Narrowband Sigfox RF Transceiver DVKSFAZ API 1GEVK including a 2 year Receiver Sigfox subscription Carrier frequency 922.3 MHz Sigfox Ready certified reference design for the Datarate 600 bps FSK AXSFAZ and AXSFAZAPI ICs Sensitivity 128 dBm 600 bps, 922.3 MHz, GFSK General Features 0 dBm maximum input power QFN40 5 mm x 7 mm package Transmitter Supply range 2.7 V* 3.6 V Carrier frequency 920.8 MHz 40C to 85C Datarate 600 bps PSK Temperature sensor High efficiency, high linearity integrated power amplifier Supply voltage measurements Maximum output power 24 dBm *Includes the RF frontend module, circuit as in Figure 5. Applications The AXSFAZ chip alone is operational from 1.8 V to 3.6 V, Sigfox networks uplink and downlink. a supply voltage below 2.0 V is considered an extreme condition. Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2017 1 Publication Order Number: April, 2017 Rev. 1 AXSFAZ/D