DATA SHEET High Efficiency Serial LED Driver and OLED Supply with 20 V Integrated Switch SOT23 (5LEAD) CASE 527 AH FAN5331 MARKING DIAGRAM Description The FAN5331 is a general purpose, fixed frequency boost converter designed to operate at high switching frequencies in order to minimize switching noise measured at the battery terminal of XXXM handheld communications equipment. Quiescent current in normal mode of operation as well as in shutdown mode is designed to be minimal in order to extend battery life. Normal mode of operation or shutdown mode can be selected by a logic level shutdown circuitry. XXX = Specific Device Code M = Date Code The low ONresistance of the internal Nchannel switch ensures high efficiency and low power dissipation. A cyclebycycle current *This information is generic. Please refer to limit circuit keeps the peak current of the switch below a typical value device data sheet for actual part marking. of 1 A. The FAN5331 is available in a 5lead SOT 23 package. PbFree indicator, G or microdot , may or may not be present. Some products may not follow the Generic Marking. Features 1.6 MHz Switching Frequency Low Noise PIN ASSIGNMENT Low R : 0.5 DS(ON) Adjustable Output Voltage 1 5 V SW IN 1 A Peak Switch Current GND 1 W Output Power Capability 2 Low Shutdown Current: 1 A 3 SHDN FB 4 CyclebyCycle Current Limit OverVoltage Protection (Top View) FixedFrequency PWM Operation Internal Compensation ORDERING INFORMATION 5lead SOT23 Package See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package Typical Application dimensions section on page 9 of this data sheet. Cell Phones PDAs Handheld Equipment Display Bias LED Bias Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2004 1 Publication Order Number: September, 2021 Rev. 2 FAN5331/DFAN5331 BAT54 L 2.7 V to 5.5 V V V OUT IN 10 H C C OUT IN 4.7 F 4.7 F C R1 F 5 1 SW V IN 120 pF 3 FB R2 2 ON 4 SHDN GND OFF Figure 1. Typical Application Diagram PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. Pin Name Pin Description 1 SW Switching node. 2 GND Analog and power ground. 3 FB Feedback node that connects to an external voltage divider. SHDN 4 Shutdown control pin. Logic HIGH enables, logic LOW disables the device. 5 VIN Input voltage. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Min Max Unit V to GND 6.0 V IN FB, SHDN to GND 0.3 V + 0.3 V IN SW to GND 0.3 23 V Lead Soldering Temperature (10 seconds) 300 C Junction Temperature 150 C Storage Temperature 55 150 C Thermal Resistance ( ) 265 C/W JA Electrostatic Discharge Protection (ESD) Level (Note 1) HBM 2.5 kV CDM 1 Stresses exceeding those listed in the Maximum Ratings table may damage the device. If any of these limits are exceeded, device functionality should not be assumed, damage may occur and reliability may be affected. 2 FAN5331