Ordering number : ENA1961 LV8773 Bi-CMOS LSI PWM Constant-Current Control LV8773 Allowable Operating Ratings at Ta = 25C Parameter Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit Supply voltage range VM 9 to 32 V Logic input voltage V 0 to 5.5 V IN VREF input voltage range VREF 0 to 3 V Electrical Characteristics at Ta = 25C, VM = 24V, VREF = 1.5V Ratings Parameter Symbol Conditions Unit min typ max Standby mode current drain IMst ST = L 100 400 A Current drain IM ST = H, OE = L, with no load 3.2 5 mA VREG5 output voltage Vreg5 I = -1mA 4.5 5 5.5 V O Thermal shutdown temperature TSD Design guarantee 150 180 200 C Thermal hysteresis width TSD Design guarantee 40 C Motor driver Output on resistance Ronu I = 2A, Upper-side on resistance 0.3 0.4 O Rond I = 2A, Lower-side on resistance 0.25 0.33 O Output leakage current Ileak 50 A O Diode forward voltage VD ID = -2A 1.2 1.4 V Logic pin input current IL V = 0.8V 4 8 12 A IN IN IH V = 5V 30 50 70 A IN IN Logic high-level input voltage VH 2.0 V IN Logic low-level input voltage VL 0.8 V IN Current setting comparator Vtatt0 ATT = L 0.291 0.3 0.309 V threshold voltage Vtatt1 ATT = H 0.143 0.15 0.157 V (current attenuation rate switching) Chopping frequency Fchop Cchop = 220pF 36.3 45.4 54.5 kHz CHOP pin charge/discharge current Ichop 7 10 13 A Chopping oscillation circuit Vtup 0.8 1 1.2 V threshold voltage Vtdown 0.4 0.5 0.6 V VREF pin input current Iref VREF = 1.5V -0.5 A Charge pump VG output voltage VG 28 28.7 29.8 V Rise time tONG VG = 0.1F 200 S Oscillator frequency Fosc 90 125 150 kHz Output short-circuit protection EMO1/EMO2 pin saturation voltage Vsatemo Iemo = 1mA 400 mV CEM pin charge current Icem Vcem = 0V 7 10 13 A CEM pin threshold voltage Vtcem 0.8 1 1.2 V Pd max - Ta 8.0 3 Specified bord:90.0mm 90.0mm 1.6mm 2 Layer glass epoxy with substrate 6.2 6.0 4.0 1 unit 3.2 3.0 2.0 1.5 0 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ambient temperature, Ta - C No.A1961-2/14 Allowable power dissipation, Pd max - W