MC10E1651 5V, -5V Dual ECL Output Comparator with Latch The MC10E1651 is fabricated using ON Semiconductors advanced MOSAIC III process. The MC10E1651 incorporates a fixed level of input hysteresis as well as output compatibility with 10 KH MC10E1651 Qb LEN NC V1b V2b b 18 17 16 15 14 19 13 Qb V CC GND NC 20 12 20-Lead PLCC NC NC 1 11 (Top View) GND V 2 10 EE Qa V 3 9 CC 456 7 8 Qa LEN NC V2a V1a a * All V and V pins are NOT tied together on the die. CC CCO Warning: All V , GND, and V pins must be externally CC EE connected to Power Supply to guarantee proper operation. Figure 1. Logic Diagrams and Pinout Assignments V1a Qa V2a LEN Qa a V1b Qb V2b LEN Qb b V = 5.2 V EE V = +5.0 V CC Figure 2. Logic Diagram Table 2. FUNCTION TABLE Table 1. PIN DESCRIPTION LEN V1, V2 Function PIN FUNCTION H V1 > V2 H Qa, Qa ECL Differential Outputs (a) H V1 < V2 L L X Latched Qb, Qb ECL Differential Outputs (b) LENa, LENb ECL Latch Enable V1a, V1b Input Comparator 1 V2a, V2b Input Comparator 2 V Positive Supply CC V Negative Supply EE NC No Connect GND Ground