The MC33074DR2G is a quad operational amplifier (Op Amp) IC from ON Semiconductor's MC33074 industrial temperature range series. It is designed to be used in multiple applications, such as comparators, linear configurations and active filters. This monolithic integrated circuit features four independent, wide bandwidth and low noise amplifiers with a high level of performance. It operates with a voltage supply range from 3V to 44V and provides a low input offset voltage of typically 5mV. The open-loop voltage gain is unparalleled and the current consumption is minimal, making it a high-performance device. The MC33074DR2G has a wide range of packages available for application specific designs. With a standard SO-14 wide body, the device can easily be integrated onto a board with limited space. The device also requires very few external components, making it well suited for applications that require compact designs. Key features of the MC33074DR2G include a low power consumption, low noise, wide bandwidth, low input offset voltage, and high voltage gain. This device is an ideal choice for a variety of applications, from low-noise low-drift amplifiers and data converters, to general purpose and programmable gain amplifiers, in industrial-grade temperature range applications.