The MC78L08ACDR2G is an 8-pin, surface mount linear voltage regulator integrated circuit (IC) manufactured by ON Semiconductor. The MC78L08ACDR2G, also known as a voltage supervisor, is designed to provide a stable output voltage of +5V. This IC is a positive fixed, low dropout voltage regulator with one output that supports a maximum load current up to 100mA. Its operating voltage ranges from 6V to 18V, and it has a low dropout voltage of 0.5V. The MC78L08ACDR2G has a built-in thermal limiting feature that allows it to protect itself and the powered device from potentially catastrophic conditions. Its power dissipation is guaranteed to remain within the safe operating area of the IC at any given ambient temperature. The MC78L08ACDR2G is well suited for applications such as digital circuits, processors, microcontrollers, and uCs, and it is available in a variety of package types for easy design-in.