The SZMM5Z4V7T1G is an 5.4V Zener diode from ON Semiconductor. These diodes are designed to operate with a reverse voltage, allowing them to function as voltage-regulating devices. The SZMM5Z4V7T1G is a medium-power, low-noise diode with a power dissipation of 350mW and a noise rating of 1pF. Its low-voltage reverse-breakdown design creates a stable reverse-biased condition, making it well suited for various power-limited applications, including voltage-regulation, transient protection, noise-suppression and low-dropout regulation. The SZMM5Z4V7T1G is available in a wide variety of in-line packages, including SOT-23, SOT-223, DO-21, SC-74 and SC-88 packages, making it a versatile and versatile component. for use in a range of electronic circuits.