Scroll pHAT PIM136 We don t sell this product anymore, but we ve left this page here for reference. Please check out our Scroll pHAT HD which has more than twice as many pixels for the new version of this product Bazinga Let your Pi talk back with this slick little 11 x 5 LED matrix pHAT. At the heart of Scroll pHAT is ISSI s IS31FL3730 matrix LED driver chip. It can drive multiple LED matrix and segment display formats and also supports controllable display brightness. Scroll pHAT has a matrix of 5x11 (55 total) bright white LEDs that is ideal for scrolling messages, showing graphs, and drawing pictures. Use it to output your IP address, show CPU usage, make a scrolling name badge, or play pong or snake Goes together great with Enviro pHAT for graphing sensor values, or with Zero LiPo, a Pi Zero and a LiPo battery for a completely wireless name badge Features 5x11(55total)brightwhiteLEDs Matrixwidebrightnesscontrol(althoughnotindividualbrightnesscontrol) IS31FL3730matrixdriverchip CompatiblewithRaspberryPi3,2,B+,A+,Zero,andZeroW Pythonlibrary Femaleheaderrequiressoldering Software Our Scroll pHAT Python library makes controlling it really easy, and there s a veritable smorgasbord of examples including a binary clock, CPU activity readout, Conway s Game of Life, weather displays, and scrolling messages. All it takes to scroll text on Scroll pHAT is about a dozen lines of code. Nifty