Model 1370
Insulated Spade Lug To Stacking
Banana Plug
Banana Plug provides vertical and cross stacking.
Provides a Banana Plug output from a barrier strip or binding post.
Ideal for connection to power supplies and test equipment.
Both ends will mate to Model #3750 or any standard binding post.
Spade Lug & Banana Plug
Material: Brass per QQ-B-626, Alloy 360, Hard, Banana Plug spring Nickel plated Beryllium Copper
Finish: Nickel plated per QQ-N-290, Class 2, 200/300 microinches.
Insulation: Polypropylene molded to spade lug body and wire. Color matches color of wire.
Wire: 18 AWG stranding 65 x 36 t.c., PVC insulated 3.66 (.144) O.D.
Color: See Ordering Information.
Marking: POMONA 1370-*.
Operating Temperature: +55C. (+131F.) Max.
Operating Voltage: 5000 VDC Max.
Current: 15 Amperes
XX = Cable Lengths, Standard Lengths: 12 (305), 24 (610), 36 (914), 48 (1219) & 60 (1524). Additional
lengths and colors can be quoted upon request.
*= Color, -0 Black, -2 Red. Ordering Example: 1370-60-2 Indicates 60 in length, color is Red
All dimensions are in inches. Tolerances (except noted): .xx = .02 (,51 mm), .xxx = .005 (,127 mm).
All specifications are to the latest revisions. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies. Made in USA
6/9/99 PomonaACCESS 90540 (800) 444-6785 or (425) 446-6010
Sales: 800-490-2361 Fax: 888-403-3360
SY/EH/LS More drawings available at
Technical Assistance: 800-241-2060
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