Evaluation Board for P1110 Powerharvester Receiver
The P1110-EVB contains an evaluation board and antennas to test and develop with the P1110
Powerharvester Receiver. The P1110 converts RF energy (radio waves) into DC power which can be
stored in a battery or capacitor, or used to directly power a circuit.
Items included:
1 Evaluation Board for P1110 Powerharvester Receiver (see description on
next page) 1 915 MHz PCB dipole antenna (see description below)
1 915 MHz PCB patch antenna (see description below)
Note this kit needs to receive power from an RF source such as a transmitter or test equipment.
1. Download the P1110 product datasheet from www.powercastco.com/documentation to learn
about the specific I/O and functions of the P1110.
2. Connect one of the antennas to the SMA connector (J1) on the evaluation board, or connect J1
directly to RF test equipment. See datasheet for maximum input power.
3. Adjust switches S1, S2, S3, and S4 to desired settings. See descriptions on next page.
4. Place evaluation board on flat surface and connect test meters as desired.
5. Turn on the source of RF energy (e.g. Powercast transmitter, test equipment, other transmitter)
Website: Evaluation Board
Component Description
S1 Switch for max. output voltage 4.2V, 3.3V, ADJ (custom using R5 + R6 see datasheet)
S2 Switch for output power
LED (power sent to illuminate LED D1)
MEAS (use with test points VOUT to LED or VOUT to STORE and in-line current meter)
VCC (power sent to test area and S4)
S3 Switch for DSET selection. When enabled, RSSI is available through DOUT.
VOUT (Enabled by on-board voltage source (>1V) from C6 or BT1 through switch S4)
EXT (Enabled by external source through DSET EXT test point)
OFF (Normal charging operation)
S4 Switch for charging on-board capacitor C6, or external battery through BT1
C1 Optional output filtering for VOUT 10 uF recommended (see datasheet)
C2,C3,C4,C5 Not used
C6 50mF supercapacitor storage for Powerharvester output
JP1 Not used
D1 LED for visual indication of power output
R1 Resistor for LED (D1)
R2 Not used
R4 Not used
R5 Resistor for max output voltage adjustment (see datasheet for R5+R6 selection)
R6 Resistor for max output voltage adjustment (see datasheet for R5+R6 selection)
BT1 External battery connection
J1 SMA connector for antenna or RF input (add DC block for DC short antenna)
J2 Connector for add-on boards
Connector on board: FCI P/N: 52601-G10-8LF
Mating connector: Sullins P/N: SFH11-PBPC-D05-ST-BK
U2 P1110 Powerharvester receiver (see datasheet for pin descriptions)
P1110-EVB, Rev C 2015/06 2015 Powercast Corporation Page 2