Users Manual
TX91501 915 MHz Powercaster Transmitter
The Powercast TX91501 Powercaster
transmitter is specially designed to provide
both power and data to end devices
containing the Powercast P2110 or P1110
Powerharvester receivers. The TX91501 is
housed in a durable plastic case with several
mounting options. Operational power is
provided to either of the two DC power
connectors at 5V DC. The TX91501 includes
a status LED to provide feedback on
functional state. The TX91501 has a factory
set, fixed power output and no user-
adjustable settings. The label indicates the
effective power for which the device is
configured, with 3 watts EIRP being the
maximum. Once properly mounted,
transmission is initiated by applying power
Wireless battery charging
to the TX91501.
Battery-free wireless sensors
- Industrial Monitoring
- Smart Grid
FCC and IC approved
- Structural Health Monitoring
Flexible wall mounting options
- Defense
Fully integrated system
- Building automation
- Agriculture
Transmits power and data
- Oil & Gas
Factory configurable for custom
- Location-aware services
Wireless trigger
Wide temperature range
Low power electronics
RoHS compliant
The following items are included inside the
Qty Description
1 915 MHz transmitter
1 Power supply
1 US plug for Power supply (must be
snapped in to the Power supply)
1 Quick Start instruction card
Powercast, Lifetime Power, Powerharvester, and Powercaster are registered trademarks of Powercast Corporation.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Rev A 2016/08 Users Manual - TX91501 Transmitter Page 1 Users Manual
TX91501 915 MHz Powercaster Transmitter
1. Wall-mount the TX91501 in the desired location with the Powercast logo and status LED
facing the direction in which the energy is desired. For permanent installations, mount
the TX91501 eight feet or more above floor level.
2. Plug the DC connector of the power supply into one of the two available connectors on
the TX91501. Plug the power supply into a 120V outlet.
3. When the green LED illuminates, the TX91501 is active and transmitting radio frequency
(RF) energy. Data is automatically included in the transmission and can be received by
one of Powercasts Powerharvester Modules.
The status LED indicates the following operating conditions:
LED Status Description
Off Off 5VDC is not applied
Green Active Transmitting normally
1 2
Red Fault Transmission stopped due to an obstruction in close proximity
During fault status, the LED will momentarily blink about once per second until the obstruction is removed.
If operating on a flat surface for testing purposes, such as a table, it is recommended that the TX91501 is elevated off the surface with a non-
conducting material, such as foam or a cardboard box, OR the TX91501 is positioned near the edge for unobstructed transmission.
Item Description
Power: Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)
Data: Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
Frequency 915 MHz Center Frequency
Power output TX91501-3W-XX: 3 watts EIRP
(not user adjustable) TX91501-1W-XX: 1 watt EIRP
60 width, 60 height
Beam pattern
Vertical Polarization (with logo in upright position)
FCC Part 15.247
Industry Canada
Firmware Version Located on the TX91501 label
An 8-bit, factory-set, TX91501 identification (ID) number is broadcast with
Data Communications random intervals up to 10ms using Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
modulation. The ID number can be found on the TX91501 label.
Operating Temperature -20C to 50C
Indoor use only
6 bracket mounting holes (See mechanical drawing for dimensions)
2 keyholes (See mechanical drawing for dimensions)
Power 5VDC/1A through included Power Supply
Color Black
Dimensions 6.75 x 6.25 x 1.63 (171.45 x 158.75 x 41.4 mm)
Weight 1 lb
Warranty 1 year
Rev A 2016/08 Users Manual - TX91501 Transmitter Page 2