SSB-2, SSB-3, SSB-4 SSB-6, SSB-7, SSB-9 SSC-1 Loudspeaker Mounting Devices 0402 - LOUDSPEAKER MOUNTING DEVICES Stock dimension * GENERAL DESCRIPTION RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL QUAM COMPONENTS The Quam SSB-(2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9) is a rust resistant steel, Refer to schedule on Page 2 for frame compatibility load bearing support for a loudspeaker assembly. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS The Quam SSC-1 is a pair of rust resistant steel, load Refer to Page 2 bearing mounting channels. INTENDED USE SSB-(2, 3, 4, 6, 9): Parallel to floor plane in a suspended Recommended construction sequences, installation instructions and A&E Specifications are available in various formats on the Quam Architects and ceiling structure maximum span of 24 in one dimension Engineers Resources CD or on the web at: indoor environment. Refer to schedule on reverse for frame compatibility. SSB-7: 8 frame loudspeaker, new gypsum board construction indoor environment. SSC-1: Gypsum board or drop tile ceiling applications indoor environment. * 23-3/4 Stock dimension, lengths up to 48 available on SSB-2, 3, 4, 6, 9 and SSC-1 as a special order, please contact Factory for delivery and pricing Quam-Nichols Company LU 234 East Marquette Road, Chicago, IL 60637 Phone: (800) NEED NOW Fax: (888) NEED NOW IBEW (800) 633 - 3669 (888) 633 - 3669 1031 Since 1930 E-Mail: neednow 2009 Quam-Nichols Company Quam-Nichols reserves the right to make changes and/or improvements to its products at any time and without notice. TSSB2 3 4 6 7 9 SSC1 11JN09 04 BACK BOXES / MOUNTING DEVICES 0402 - LOUDSPEAKER MOUNTING DEVICES BAFFLES SSB-2 SSB-3 SSB-4 SSB-6 SSB-7 SSB-9 SSC-1 BR4W BR4WS BR8-2WS BR8A BR8VP BR8W BR8WS BS8VP BS8W BS8WS TBR8W TBR8WS QMount NOTE: With the exception of QMount (SSB-9), all SSB assemblies can use ERD-8 or ERDU back boxes Quam-Nichols Company LU 234 East Marquette Road, Chicago, IL 60637 IBEW Phone: (800) NEED NOW Fax: (888) NEED NOW 1031 (800) 633 - 3669 (888) 633 - 3669 Since 1930 E-Mail: neednow 2009 Quam-Nichols Company Quam-Nichols reserves the right to make changes and/or improvements to its products at any time and without notice. TSSB2 3 4 6 7 9 SSC1 11JN09 04 BACK BOXES / MOUNTING DEVICES