ZULU Smart RADIO Telemetry Module Remote Switching Module Range up to 2,000 Metres 8/10 Digital Input / Outputs 2 Analogue Inputs (10bit), Outputs (PWM) Receiver Outputs Outputs Follow Transmitter Inputs Minimal external components Led Data Reception indication Secure Data Protocol (auto Acknowledge) Watchdog Function Ultra Low Power 2.2 - 3.6V Operation Applications CE Compliant for Licence Free Use Remote Control Easy Pairing Process Remote Networking One to One / One to Many Remote Switching 868MHz / 915MHz Versions Remote Traffic Lights 2 Channel Transceiver Module 100mW Transmit Power Small Form Factor TThhee ZZUULLUU--TT TTeelleemmeettrryy MMoodduullee pprroovviiddeess aa rreelliiaabbllee TTrraannsscceeiivveerr bbaasseedd iinndduussttrriiaall RReemmoottee SSwwiittcchh wwiitthh up to 2,000 metres range. Two or more modules may be combined to provide a simple or complex up to 2,000 metres range. Two or more modules may be combined to provide a simple or complex nneettwwoorrkk ooff rraaddiioo sswwiittcchhiinngg.. EEaacchh uunniitt iiss ssuupppplliieedd rreeaaddyy ttoo ooppeerraattee,, oonnccee ppaaiirreedd wwiitthh aannootthheerr MMoodduullee a remote control system is created Connections for Power, antenna and Input / Output are the only a remote control system is created Connections for Power, antenna and Input / Output are the only connections required connections required Part No Description ZULU-T868 Radio Telemetry Module DIP Package ZULU-T868-SO Radio Telemetry Module SMT Package tthh QQFF111133 IIssssuuee 11..00 2277 JJuullyy 22000011 PPaaggee 22 ooff 33 AAssssoocciiaatteedd PPrroocceedduurree:: QQPP110055 RRFF SSoolluuttiioonnss gg iivveess nnoo gguuaarraanntteeee oorr wwaarrrraannttyy tthhaatt tthhee pprroodduuccttss rreeffeerrrreedd ttoo iinn tthhiiss qquuoottee aarree ssuuiittaabbllee ffoorr ccuussttoommeerrss rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss.. IItt iiss tthhee rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy ooff tthhee ccuussttoommeerr ttoo vveerriiffyy tthhee ssuuiittaabbiilliittyy aanndd aapppplliiccaabbiilliittyy ooff tthhee pprroodduuccttss rreeffeerrrreedd ttoo iinn tthhiiss qquuoottee bbeeffoorree aacccceeppttiinngg tthhiiss qquuoottee,, aanndd RRFF SSoolluuttiioonnss LLttdd ccaannnnoott aacccceepptt aannyy rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy ffoorr aannyy lloossss oorr ddaammaaggee wwhhiicchh mmiigghhtt aarriissee aass aa rreessuulltt ooff tthhee uussee ooff pprroodduuccttss bbyy tthhee ccuussttoommeerr.. RRFF SSoolluuttiioonnss LLttdd ddooeess nnoott aacccceepptt lliiaabbiilliittyy ffoorr aannyy lloossss oorr damage arising from the defective production of any material referred to in this quote where such material is a production of a business other than RF Solutions Ltd. damage arising from the defective production of any material referred to in this quote where such material is a production of a business other than RF Solutions Ltd. X-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for rf solutions manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : FOBBER-8T2 ZULU-868 ANT-PCB4520-FL GAMMA-868-SO DB5XA ZULUEVAL-M DELTA-TRX8C1 LAMBDA62C-9D LAMBDA80-24D ADP-SMAM-NF ADP-SMAFRP-SMAF GAMMA-868R-SO GAMMA-868R KAPPAM-ARD ICEPIC FLEXI-SMA-868 FM-RTFQ2-433P DB756 KAPPA-R868-SO ZETA-ARD-868 ZULUEVAL-DONGLE ZETAPLUS-915-D TRAP-T1 ANT-GROD8-NSMA ZPT-4RS HORNET200-TX1 EZTEXT ICEPIC3-US I3-TRACER1 ZULU-M-ARDUINO GAMMA-915R ANT-GSMSTUB4 RFM68W- 433-S2 KAPPAT-ARD I3DBF77 ALPHA-TRX433S ZETAPLUS-915-SO ZETAPLUS-433-D ANT-24G-DPL-SMA FOBLOQF-4S2 ADP- SMAM-2SMAF CBA-SMAF-OP ANT-MCLING3-N RF600E HORNETPRO-8S3 ZETA-868-SO CF-WU710NV2 BRAVO-ARD LAMBDA62-8D 110C2-433A