The RT8295BHZSP is a DC-DC converters SOP-8 RoHS manufactured by Richtek. It is a monolithic integrated circuit that provides a high-efficiency, low-quiescent current synchronous buck switching regulator. This device has an integrated high-side N-channel MOSFET and low-side N-channel synchronous MOSFET which reduce the size and cost of the external component count. The RT8295BHZSP includes internal compensation and a precise voltage reference to provide high-accuracy voltage output within +/-1.2% of the set point, and a very fast transient response. It also has excellent load and line regulation, as well as built-in protection functions including over current protection, pulse skip during decays, soft-start, and under-voltage lockout. This device is RoHS compliant and makes an excellent choice for a wide range of applications, including hand held consumer electronics, notebook and tablet PC power supplies, imaging equipment, and other point of load converters.