Subracks, accessories Mounting kits/guide rails Model No. RP Trim frame U HP horizontal for 3 U subrack for 4 U subrack for horizontal mounting kit To conceal the front sections of the horizontal 656 3685.783 3685.785 mounting kit. 984 3685.784 3685.786 Material: Aluminium, anodised Also required: Collar screws and plastic collars, packs of 100 sets, Model No. RP 3658.160, see page 576. Model No. RP Trim frame, vented U HP horizontal for 3 U subrack for 4 U subrack for horizontal mounting kit To conceal the front sections of the horizontal 663 3685.787 3685.788 mounting kit. Material: Aluminium Also required: Surface finish: Collar screws and plastic collars, Anodised, packs of 100 sets, Model No. RP 3658.160, clear-chromated (EMC version) see page 576. B Supply includes: EMC accessories EMC version (for EMC version). 3.5 Model No. RP U HP horizontal for 3 U subrack for 4 U subrack 663 3685.291 3685.292 Also required: Centering screws, packs of 100, Model No. RP 3687.050, see page 577. Model No. RP Plastic guide rails PCB Packs depth Snap-in fastening/ For 160, 220 and 280 mm PCBs up to 2 mm of Snap-in fastening 1) mm screw-fastening nominal thickness. 160 1 3684.657 3684.654 2 versions are available: 220 1 3684.658 3684.655 Snap-in fastening and screw-fastening 280 1 3684.659 3684.656 Snap-in fastening Material: Polycarbonate, base material to UL 94-V0 Also required: 1) Assembly screws, packs of 100, Model No. RP 3654.360, see page 576. PCB depth Plastic guide rails Packs of Model No. RP mm for contact spring fitting 160 1 3684.660 For 160, 220 and 280 mm PCBs up to 2 mm 220 1 3684.661 nominal thickness. By installing contact springs, an electrical connection can be made between 280 1 3684.662 the PCB and the assembly. Material: Polycarbonate, base material to UL 94-V0 Accessories: Contact springs, see page 510. Rittal Catalogue 31/Electronic packaging 509 Subracks, accessoriesX-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for Rittal manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : EB1546 KL1501 KL1590 3652070 1002.600 1004.600 1033.500 1036.500 1037.500 1076.500 1077.500 1302.600 1338.500 1380.500 1505.510 1506.510 1508.510 1510.510 1514.510 1517.510 1518.510 1577.450 1578.450 1578.530 1579.450 9514.000 9521.050 1434.500 1444.500 1446.500 1519.510 1522.010 1523.010 1524.010 1525.010 1526.010 1527.010 1527.510 1529.010 1530.010 1530.510 1533.510 1534.510 1535.510 1536.510 1537.510 1538.510 1539.510 1540.510 1541.510