Datasheet Three-Phase Brushless Motor Predriver BD63001AMUV General Description Key Specifications BD63001AMUV is a Three-Phase Brushless Motor Power Supply Voltage Rating: 3 3 V Predriver that uses upper Pch and lower Nch MOS Operating temperature range: -40C to +85C transistor for an external output power transistor. It Predriver Output Current Rating(Continuous) : 30mA (Note 1) generates a driving signal from the Hall sensor and Predriver Output Current Rating(Peak) : 200mA drives PWM through the input control signal. In addition, The Current Limit Detect Voltage: 0.2V10% the supply voltage that can be applied is 12V or 24V, it UVLO Lockout Voltage: 3.7V(Typ) (Note1) tw1s, 50kHz has various controls and built-in protection functions, making it useful for a variety of purposes. Since the IC Package W(Typ) x D(Typ) x H(Max) adopts small packages, it can be used on small diameter motors. Features Built-in 120 Commutation Logic Circuit Drives Upper Pch, Lower Nch MOS transistor PWM control system /DC control system CW/CCW Function FG Output (1FG Output) Current Limit Protection Circuit (CL) Overheat Protection Circuit (TSD) Under Voltage Protection Circuit (UVLO) VQFN024V4040 Over Voltage Protection Circuit (OVLO) 4.00mm x 4.00mm x 1.00mm Motor Lock Protection (MLP) Application OA apparatus Other general public welfare apparatus Typical Application Circuits VCC=24V 0.1F VM VCC C1 R3 1 Q1 UH R1 8 VREG 19 R2 R4 0.1F UL 7 C2 R5 HUP 13 C1 HU 0.01F HUN R3 14 Q1 R1 VH HVP 10 15 M R2 HV 0.01F R4 HVN 3 16 VL 9 HWP C2 R5 17 HW 0.01F HWN 18 C1 R3 Q1 R1 WH 12 R2 R4 CW WL 2 11 C2 R5 HLSW BRKB 24 3 RCL R6 6 C2 PWMB Rref 22 VREG 10k FGO DCIN 23 21 PWM OSC 20 20k LPE 4 5 GND Figure 1. Application Circuit in HLSW=OPEN ) Product structure : Silicon monolithic integrated circuit This product has no designed protection against radioactive rays w TSZ02201-0P1P0B001390-1-2 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 1/22 TSZ2211114001 30.May.2016 Rev.002 BD63001AMUV Typical Application Circuits - continued 0.1F VM VCC 1 C1 UH R1 8 VREG 19 0.1F R2 UL 7 C2 HUP 13 HU 0.01F HUN 14 C1 R1 VH HVP 10 15 M HV 0.01F HVN 3 16 R2 VL 9 HWP C2 17 HW 0.01F HWN 18 C1 R1 WH 12 CW R2 WL 2 11 C2 HLSW BRKB 24 3 RCL R3 6 C3 PWMB Rref 22 VREG 10k FGO DCIN 23 21 PWM OSC 20 20k 4 LPE 5 GND Figure 2. Application Circuit in HLSW VCC=5V 0.1F VM VCC C1 1 R1 Q1 UH R4 8 VREG 19 R5 R2 UL 7 R3 HUP 13 C1 HU 0.01F HUN R1 14 Q1 R4 VH HVP 10 15 M R5 HV 0.01F HVN R2 3 16 VL 9 HWP R3 17 HW 0.01F HWN 18 C1 R1 Q1 R4 WH 12 R5 R2 CW WL 2 11 R3 HLSW BRKB 24 3 RCL R6 6 C2 PWMB Rref 22 VREG 10k FGO DCIN 23 21 PWM OSC 20 20k 4 LPE 5 GND Figure 3. Application Circuit in VCC=VREG TSZ02201-0P1P0B001390-1-2 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 2/22 TSZ2211115001 30.May.2016 Rev.002