DTC623TU / DTC623TK Transistors Digital transistors (built-in resistor) DTC623TU / DTC623TK z External dimensions (Unit : mm) z Features In addition to the features of regular digital transistors. 2.00.2 UMT3 1) Low saturation voltage, typically 1.30.1 0.90.1 <SC-70> VCE (sat) =40mV at IC / IB=50mA / 2.5mA, makes these 0.65 0.65 0.2 0.70.1 (1) (2) transistors ideal for muting circuits. 2) These transistors can be used at high current levels, 00.1 IC=600mA. (3) +0.1 0.3 0 0.150.05 (1) Emitter Each lead has same dimensions z Structure (2) Base Abbreviated symbol : R02 (3) Collector NPN digital transistor (Built-in resistor type) 2.90.2 SMT3 +0.2 1.1 1.90.2 0.1 <SC-59> 0.95 0.95 0.80.1 z Equivalent circuit (1) (2) (3) C B +0.1 +0.1 0.4 0.15 0.05 0.06 R E (1) Emitter Each lead has same dimensions R=2.2k (2) Base Abbreviated symbol : R02 (3) Collector B : Base C : Collector E : Emitter z Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25C) Parameter Symbol Limits Unit Collector-base voltage VCBO 20 V Collector-emitter voltage VCEO 20 V Emitter-base voltage VEBO 12 V Collector current IC 600 mA Collector power dissipation PC 200 mW Junction temperature Tj 150 C Storage temperature Tstg 55 to +150 C 1/2 +0.2 1.250.1 1.6 0.1 2.80.2 2.10.1 0.3Min. 0.1Min.DTC623TU / DTC623TK Transistors z Electrical characteristics (Ta=25C) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions Collector-base breakdown voltage BVCBO 20 VIC=50A Collector-emitter breakdown voltage BV 20 V I =1mA CEO C Emitter-base breakdown voltage BVEBO 12 V IE=50A Collector cutoff current ICBO 0.5 A VCB=20V I 0.5 A V =12V Emitter cutoff current EBO EB Collector-emitter saturation voltage VCE (sat) 40 150 mV IC=50mA, IB=2.5mA DC current transfer ratio hFE 820 2700 VCE=5V, IC=50mA Input resistance R 1.54 2.2 2.86 k 1 Transition frequency fT 150 MHz VCE=10V, IE= 50mA, f=100MHz OutputO resistance Ron 0.4 VI=5V, RL=1k, f=1kHz Transition frequency of the device. z Packaging specifications and hFE Package UMT3 SMT3 Packaging type Taping Taping Type Code T106 T146 Basic ordering unit (pieces) 3000 3000 DTC623TU DTC623TK z Electrical characteristic curves 10000 10000 1000 VCE=5V IC / IB=20 / 1 Ta=25C f=1kHz R =1k L hFE=1500 (5V / 50mA) 1000 100 100C 25C 1000 100 10 40C 100C 25C 1 10 40C 100 0.1 1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100 1000 COLLECTOR CURRENT : IC (mA) INPUT VOLTAGE : VI (V) COLLECTOR CURRENT : IC (mA) Fig.1 DC Current Gain vs. Fig.3O resistance vs. Input Voltage Fig.2 Collector-Emitter Saturation Collector Current Voltage vs. Collector Current z Ron measurement circuit v0 Ron= RL RL=1k viv0 Input vi Output 100mV V v0 (rms) f=1kHz vI Fig.4 OutputO resistance (Ron) measurement circuit 2/2 DC CURRENT GAIN : hFE COLLECTOR SATURATION VOLTAGE : VCE (sat) (mV) ON RESISTANCE : Ron ()