Filter for motor drives FN 251 4 to 24A current ratings compact size insulated safety input terminals wire outputs Nennstrme von 4 bis 24A Kompakte Bauform Berhrungssichere Anschluklemmen Litzen an den Ausgngen courant de service entre 4 et 24A taille rduite compacte connexions dentre par bornes de scurit isoles connexions de sortie par fils Technical specifications Approvals Maximum operating voltage: 440VAC at 40C Operating frequency: DC to 60Hz at 40C c Hipot test voltage: P E 2000VAC P P 1700VDC MTBF at 40C, 400V per Mil-HB-217F: 160,000 hours Protection category: IP20 Overload: 4 times rated current at switch on, then 1.5 times rated current for 1 minute, once per hour Filter Current ratings Leakage current Power Component values/phase Connections Connections Weight (400V/50Hz) loss input output at 40C (25) L L1 Cx Cy R mA W mH mH F nF k kg A FN 251 - 4 / 07 4 (4.6) 0.5 5.5 7 1.5 1 15 470 /29 /07 0.75 FN 251 - 8 / 07 8 (9.2) 0.5 7 4.2 1.5 1 15 470 /29 /07 0.75 FN 251 - 16 / 07 16 (18.4) 0.5 14 2.6 0.7 1 15 470 /29 /07 1.8 FN 251 - 24 / 07 24 (27.6) 18 1 0.5 1 15 470 /29 /07 1.95 0.5 Max. leakage under normal circumstances. Note: if two phases are interrupted, worst case leakage current could reach 7.7 times higher levels. Mechanical data Electrical schematic See table for component values Tol.* Current -4, -8 -16, -24 mm 145 180 0.5 A B 75 115 0.5 FN 251 L L1 C 40 60 0.5 L1 L1 123 85 D 0.5 E 135 115 0.2 55 0.1 100 0.2 F L2 L2 G 0.7 0.05 H 20 1 M 7 x 5.3 6.4 0.1 L3 L3 P - M6 2 2 W 1.31mm 2.08mm - Y 6 + 1 Cx R Cx R Cx R 3xCx + 10 Z 300 E E 3xCy All dimensions in mm 1 inch = 25.4mm * Measurements share this common tolerance unless otherwise stated LINE LOAD 198FN 251 insertion loss Per CISPR 17 A = 50 /50 sym, B = 50 /50 asym, C = 0.1 /100 sym, D = 100 /0.1 sym 4 amp types 8 amp types 16 amp types 24 amp types dB dB dB A dBdB 70 70 70 7070 B 60 60 60 6060 A A 50 50 50 5050 A 40 40 40 4040 C C B 30 30 30 3030 D D 20 20 20 2020 B B C C D 10 10 10 1010 D 0 0 0 00 -10 -10 -10 -1-100 -20 -20 -20 -20-20 10k 100k 1M 10M 10k 100k 1M 10M 10k 100k 1M 10M 10k 100k 1M 10M Mechanical drawings See mechanical data table for dimensions D FRONT G C TOP SIDE TOP Y W Z W Z Y M A E A E D H F P F G M B C B FN 251-16, -24 FN 251-4, -8 Input connection: /29 Input connection: /29 199