SKU 102110279
TB96AI is a powerful core board for artificial intell igenc e. C arri er Bo ard dev el oped ca n f orm a
complete developm ent b oard or ev aluation board; and the board c ustomized by custo mers
according to actual n eeds can directly for m the industry applic at ion m o ther b o ard, which c an meet
industrial au t omati on, U AV, im ag e detection, face recognition, edge c omput i ng gat eway, cluster
server, Int elligent Quotie nt display, a utom atic driving, medici ne. Application n eeds of market
segm ents su c h as h ealth care e quipm ent, rob o ts a nd intellig en t retail.
TB9 6AI use s RK33 99 P ro as t h e mai n control chi p and TB9 6 A Io T u ses RK18 08 as t h e mai n con tro l
Sixcore 64bit processor, super ior generalpurp ose computing p ower
Dualcore A R M CortexA 72 MPcore p rocessor and quadcore ARM CortexA53 MPcore p rocessor
are highper formanc e, lowpower and cache application proc essor s.
Two CPU clusters. Big cluster wi th dualcoreCortexA72 is optimized for hi ghperformance and
little cluster with quadc ore Cor t exA 53 is o ptimi z ed for l ow p ower
Full implem entati on of t he AR M arch itecture v8A instruction set, ARM Ne on Adv anced SIM D
(single instr u ction, multi ple data) sup port for acce lerating m e dia and signal processing
Supporting 8 bit/1 6 bit o peration, A I computin g p o wer up t o 3 . 0 TOPs (INT8 Inference)
Full load c alculation is strong a nd li ght load op erati on pow er consumption is low.
Compati ble with Caffe/Mxnet/Tens orFlow m odel, it can sup port mu ltipl e fr ameworks, support
mainstre am l ayer t ypes, and add cust om la yer eas ily
Provide easytouse devel opment to ols, PC can c o mplete mod el conversio n, perfor man c e
prediction, accuracy verification.
Provide AI application developmen t interface: support Android N N API, RKNN crossplatform API,
Linux support TensorFlow development;
Powerful Multimedia Processing P erformanc e
Inte grat ed q uadcore AR M M aliT86 0 MP4 G PU, support OpenG L ES 1.1 /2.0/3.0, OpenCL1.2,
Directx11.1, etc., with more ba ndwidth compressi on tech nolo g y
Strong hard w are codec capability
Support 4 K VP9 and 4K 10bits H 26 5 / H264 video decoding up to 60 f ps
Support 1080P multifor mat video decoding (VC1, MPEG1/2/4, VP 8)
Support 1 08 0P vide o enc oding, suppo rt H.264, VP 8 f orm at
Multiple vid eo inp ut a nd output int erfaces
Dual c amer a interf ace: tw o M IPICS I in put inter face s with two I S P ima ge proc essors
Display o utp ut inter face : Emb ed t wo VOPs, support dualscreen s imultaneous/dualscreen display,
and can choose to output from th e following display interface.
Rich expansion interface
TypeC/ DP 1 OTG
USB3.01 According to the R K3 39 9 P ro design, t he NPU n eed s to b e moun ted on the U SB3.0, so
the USB3.0 n eeds to be co nnected bac k to th e NPU. If yo u n eed t o extend the USB3.0 int erface, you
need t o plug in the HUB.
I2S 1
I2C 1
PCIe 1
GPIO For detailed GP IO definition, pl ease refer to interface definition.
ADC3 One for butt ons , one for headset microp h one detecti on, and on e for userdefin able use
Highspeed onbo ard co nnector for more stability and reliabil ity
4 P anaso nic highspeed o nboard co nn ectors for hi gher sp eed s ignal stability
The core board can be fixed by 4 screw posts for various working enviro nm ents.
Support for multiple op erating systems
Support And roid, Linux, Ubuntu
Support U disk upgrad e through USB interface
Hardware related information
Circuit schematic refer ence design
Connect or P CB pack age
Core board s ize
Pin defi nition, interface p ackage
Softwar e rel ated in form a tion
Software d evel opment g uide.pdf
Tools. RK driver assistant, f irmware u p grade t ool, etc
Firmware. Android firmware, Linux firmware
Source code. Android SDK source code