SKU 102991180
Well, you ca n find hundreds of WiFi shields, modules for Arduin o out there. However, most
of them are either unstable, eit her oversized or expensive. Whe n the Arduino and wifi chips
are in te grated on one de velopment board, it is a nother story. T oday, the protagonist of our
story is Wio Lite W600 SAM D21+W600 .
Wio Lite W600 is a costeffectiv e Arduino compatible board with the W600 WiFi module.
The Wio Lite W600 features Atmel | SMART SAM D21 ARM CortexM 0+
based microcontroller and the W600 WiFi core is a 2.4GHz WiFi module features ARM
CortexM3. Since the Wio Lite W6 00 uses SAM D21(the same chip used in Arduino Zero) as
its Arduino Core, in theory, it is fully compatible with Arduin o zero.
We've broken out the SAM D21 pins , the I/O level of this board is 3.3V. There are 6 analog
pins and 1 4 digita l pins, and also one UART, one I2C , one ICSP port is available. You can
power this board with 5V USB Type C and 3.5V ~4.2V Lipo battery.
As for the WiFi core, it's our old friend W600 Module. We've already released the W600
Module and Grove W600, Wio Lite W600 is a new member of the W600 family . W600
Module features ARM CortexM3 wi th 1MB onchip flash and freeRTOS kernel. It is CE/FCC
certificated a nd supports 802.11 b/g/n. We als o provide a full Arduino W600
library including demos for Ap/Station/ApStation/Transparent T ransmission/TCP, etc.
Wio Lite is a new product line from Seeed, and Wio Lite W600 is the first product in this
series. Simila r to the gre at Adafruit Feather se ries, the Wio Lite series is small in size and
uniform in pins. Differe nt performance and f eatures ar e available when equipped with
different processors and modules. Actually, Wio Lite is compati ble with Feather board pins,
we believe Feather is a very successful development platform in the community, and there
are alre ady many cool Feather boards out there from Adafruit. The Wio Lite aims at adding
different wireless solutions to enrich the Feather community an d provide more possibility
for Feather users.
On top of that, we've released t he Grove Shield for Wio Lite at t he same time. With this
shield, we bring over 200 Grove sensors, actuators and displays to Wio Lite series and the
Feather community.