SKU 103020252
The Grove Shield for Wio Lite is made for Seeed Studio Wio Lite Series. Now the Wio Lite
W600 is ava ilable, we w ill release more Wio boards soon. Also, this Grove Shield can work
with Adafrui t Feather Boards. It brings 200+ Grove modules to Wio Lite
and Feather community.
This Shield can break out the processor pins of Wio Lite (for i nstance, it is SAM D21 for Wio
Lite W600) i nto the form of header and Grove connectors. There are 4 Grove digital
connectors and 4 Grove analog connectors, a Grove UART port, an d a Grove I2C port. As
you can see, a switch is there f or input power selection. If you use USB to power your Wio
Lite board, then select the 5V mode, and i f you use the lipo ba ttery, please select the 3.3V.
Hardware Overview