Grove Starter Kit for Azure IoT Edge SKU 110060907 Description The Grove St arte r ki t for Azure IoT Edge is a join teffort developed by Microsoft and Seeed Studio. The kit integrates Azure IoT Edge se rvice and Se eedStud ios most popular modular readytouse tool set Grove, aims at helping d evelopers get s ta rte d qui ckly a n d convenient ly with Azure IoT Edge. Azure IoT Ed ge is a fully managed service that delivers cloud i ntelligence locally, With Azure IoT Ed ge, you can seamlessly deploy and run artificial intelligence, Azure service s, and custom logic directly on crossplatform IoT devicesf rom a small Raspberry Pi to large industrial machines. And manage it all centrally in the c loud with the security of Microsoft. The kit includes the latest Rasp berry Pi 3 B+ to run Edge, 4 we llselected Grove modules that act as se nsors, display, and actuator. There are also a 4 Mic Pi Hat and a Raspberry Pi Camera Module in this kit, which brings more possibilities to a pplications like Face & Vision recognition, Speech recognition, and LUIS etc. with Micr osofts cognitive services. Whats more, the kit also includ es a 16GB SD card with preconf igured Raspbian image to bring outofthebox experience for the users. Three Scenarios to Get Started 1. Environment Monitor When deployed to a device, code in the temperature sensor project collects temperature and barometric data from the Raspberry Pi temperature sensor an d sends it to an Azure IoT Hub. 2. Image Cla ssifier When deployed to a device, code in the i mage classifier project captures video from the Raspberry P i camera, sends images from the video to an AI modul e running image classification , displays the results on the OLED display, and s ends results to an Azure IoT Hub. 3. Speech Recognizer When deployed to a device, code in the speechrecognizer project captures audio from the Raspberry P i microphone, uses an AI module to recognize the speech and determine inte nt , responds wi th an appropriate response on the OLED display, and sends results to an Azure IoT Hub. Technical Details Weight G.W400g Battery Exclude