Grove Starter Kit for Azure Sphere MT3620 Development Kit SKU110060947 Description This product is a basic starter kit for Azure Sphere MT3620 Development kit. The kit integrates SeeedStudios most popular ready-to-use modular Grove, aims at helping developers get started quickly and experience the Azure Sphere solutions. Please note that Azure Sphere MT3620 Development kit is required but not included in this Starter kit. You can purchase it here. Microsoft Azure Sphere is a solution for creating highly-secured, connected, MCU- powered devices. Azure Sphere brings together the best of Microsofts expertise in cloud, software and siliconresulting in a unique approach to security that starts in the silicon and extends to the cloud. Together, Azure Sphere certified MCUs, the Azure Sphere OS, and the Azure Sphere Security Service provide you with the confidence and the power to reimagine your business and create the future. The kit includes one MT3620 Grove shield, which offers: 1 x UART 2 x I2C 1 x Analog 4 x GPIO and 6 Grove modules in several catagories: Category Module Description GroveRotaryAngleSensor Produceananalogvalue,whichcanbereadbyADC. Analog Input GroveLightSensorv1.2 Measuringlightlevels GroveBuzzer Drivenbyadigitalsignalandemitatone Digital Output GroveRelay Drivenbyadigitalsignalandswitchmuchhighervolta ges Digital I/O GroveBlueLEDButton Buttonactasaninput,LEDasanoutputdevice Sensor GroveTemp&HumiSensor(SHT31) CollectstemperatureandcanbereadviaI2Cinterface Display GroveOLEDDisplay1.12 V2 OLEDcandisplaycharacterandpicture