The ProtoShield Kit manufactured by Seeed Studio is an Arduino prototyping board and a set of components which allow users to easily experiment with Arduino designs without the need for soldering. The components in the kit include various sizes of prototype boards, a prototyping shield, and a breadboard. The boards are designed specifically for use with Arduino boards and are compatible with all Arduino boards. The prototyping shield provides various use case components such as LEDs, power sockets, buttons, and connection ports. The board also features a power switch and reset switch which are protected by a durable ABS plastic case. Assembled units come with 9v battery clamps, a mounting hole and an instruction sheet. The set of components also includes various connectors, capacitors, diodes, resistors, transistors, and jumpers. The kit provides users with the means to tinker and come up with their own Arduino projects while learning more about microcontrollers in the process.