The SGM706-TYS8G/TR with Microprocessor & Microcontroller Supervisors is an SOIC-8_150mil RoHS manufactured by SGMICRO. The device is an 8-pin low-voltage, low-cost, ultra-low-power microprocessor/microcontroller supervisor designed to monitor reset conditions in microprocessor/microcontroller systems. It has a power-on reset (POR) and a manual or surface-mounted reset (RST). The reset asserts a low output when the supervisor detects an out-of-range input voltage, power overshoot, power undershoot, or under-voltage condition. The reset remains low until the Vcc is at the reset threshold and the power on reset delay timer has timed out. It also has Watchdog timer with hardware selectable intervals of 2 seconds, 4 seconds, 8 seconds, 16 seconds, 32 seconds, and 64 seconds. The SGM706-TYS8G/TR is available in a 8-pin 150-mil wide SOIC package and is RoHS compliant.