The MBR230LSF is a Schottky Barrier Diode (SBD) which is manufactured by Shikues and packaged in a SOD-123FL RoHS form. It has a reverse voltage rating of 30V and a current rating of 230mA which makes it suitable for a wide variety of applications. The diode has a low capacitance and is capable of operating up to 200V. Its low forward voltage drop provides efficiency benefits for circuits such as motor control, power management, and lighting control. The SOD-123FL RoHS packaging is compliant with environmental regulations, ideal for applications where space is limited. The MBR230LSF has a high surge capability and is able to withstand transient voltages up to 400V. Furthermore, it features very low reverse leakage, making it highly reliable for applications in automotive, consumer, industrial, and telecom sectors.