The C8051T603-GS part of Silicon Labs is a low-power, 8051-based microcontroller with integrated nonvolatile memory, temperature and voltage sensors, timers, and I/O peripherals. This version also features an RTC and Crystal Oscillator for time/clock functionality. The C8051T603-GS is designed for use in many industrial applications such as automotive and industrial controllers and sensors, Ethernet switches and hubs, and more. It is also a great choice for embedded applications that require low power yet still need a rich feature set. It features a choice of 16KB or 32KB non-volatile Flash memory, up to 16-bit wide data buses, up to 40 pinouts with 10 additional ports, and up to 256KB of SRAM with 32 fully programmable external interrupts. The C8051T603-GS also provides I²C and SPI serial communication, dual Timer Capture/Compare/Reload (TCR) sources, and multiple analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters.