The STC11F16XE-35I-LQFP44 with STC LQFP-44_10x10x08P RoHS is an electronic component that is produced by STC. It is a low-power 8/16-bit single-chip microcontroller. This chip features a high-speed system clock frequency of up to 35MHz and has power-saving features. It also has 168KBytes Flash Memories, 24KBytes RAM, 4 channels of 8-bit PWM timers, 8 sources of 10-bit A/D Converter with 8 channels, and UART communication ports. The chip has a low-cost 44-pin LQFP44-10x10x08P RoHS package. It can be used in a variety of embedded systems, such as automotive, industrial, consumer, security, and multimedia applications.