The STC12LE5A60AD is a microcontroller with STC LQFP-44_10x10x08P RoHS packaging manufactured by STC. It has 44 pins, with 10x10x08P RoHS plastic packaging, and a maximum operating temperature of 85°C. It is a low power, 8-bit microcontroller which has a 8051 series CPU and is compatible with various standard applications. It has 8KB of Flash program memory, 384 bytes of RAM, and 32 bytes of extended RAM, as well as 4-channel 8-bit A/D converters. It also includes a 16-bit timer/counter, a 16-bit watchdog timer, an SPI interface, and other parallel I/O ports. The STC12LE5A60AD has a maximum frequency of 16MHz and is suitable for low-power applications.