The STC15W4K16S4-30I-LQFP48 is an integrated circuit (IC) manufactured by STC. It is a 32-bit low power 8051 microcontroller, operating with a maximum frequency of 30MHz. It is packaged in an LQFP-48-7x7x05P RoHS with 48 pins, and its integration unit includes a CPU, an instruction set, clock generator, on-chip data memory, power-down management, and programmable I/O ports. This device also features an interrupt controller, timer 1 and 2, 4-level subroutine call stack, 8-level priority interrupt with maskable interrupt sources, a watchdog timer, programmable on-chip oscillator, on-chip ADC and DAC, on-chip temperature sensor, and a programmable PWM module. This device is suitable for many industrial applications such as HVAC systems, automotive, digital power supplies, etc.