STCC05-B HOME APPLIANCE CONTROL CIRCUIT APPLICATIONS Home Appliance digital control AC Power drive and functional safety management Air Conditioner, Refrigerator and Oven applications Compressor, fan, heater and valve drive circuit FEATURES Wide range input supply voltage operation: 7 to 18V 5 V +/- 5% full tolerance voltage regulator and 50mA output current DIP-20 MCU reset circuit with activation delay time and hysteresis (3.75V Hi, 3.4V Lo) Table 1. Order Code 30s digitally filtered inverting Zero Voltage Synchronization Part Number Marking Three 50mA relay coil drivers with demagnetiz- STCC05-BD4 STCC05-B ing diode One 150mA relay coil driver with demagnetizing diode for a 20A relay One 30mA peak enhanced buzzer driver with enable pin and soft turn off 12 to 5V robust non inverting level shifter for speed sensor or door switch interface Ambient temperature: - 20 to 85C BENEFITS Higher module compactness with reduced component count Drastic reduction of soldered pins on the board for lower use of lead metal Faster module assembly time High transient burst immunity and ESD robustness compliant with IEC61000-4 standards Enhanced functional reliability Enhanced circuit parametric quality Easy to design for short time to market Figure 1: STCC05 based Air Conditioner application diagram STCC05 V PS VVVV COMPRESSOR RELAY PSPSPSPS RLRLRL INININ 444 444 P 04 20A RELAY VVVV DRIVER PSPSPSPS RLRLRL INININ 333 333 P 03 RELAY DRIVER VVVV PSPSPSPS INININ RLRLRL POWER RELAYS 222 222 P 02 RELAY DRIVER VVVV PSPSPSPS INININ RLRLRL 111 111 P 01 RELAY DRIVER BZBZBZ VVV ENENEN 222 PSPSPS BZBZBZ P 06 BUZZER R S DRIVER V BUZZER DD BZBZBZ 111 INININBZBZBZ PWM V VVVVPSPSPSPS PS VVV VVV PSPSPS DDDDDD 5V REGULATOR V V C DD SS DD SMPS COMCOMCOM RSTRSTRST RESET /RS T ZERO VOLTS SYNC. ZVSZVSZVS SYNSYNSYN 30s FILTER NMI LEVEL SHIFTER INININ OUTOUTOUT SSS SSS V EMI FILTER P07 PS MCU C UP R INS AC Line V PS JP SPEED SENSOR October 2004 REV. 1 1/13STCC05-B Figure 2. Block diagram Figure 3. Pin-out connections VPS RL IN 4 4 V V PS 1 20 DD 20A RELAY V PS DRIVER RL IN 3 3 SYN 2 19 /RST RELAY DRIVER V PS IN RL IN S 3 18 ZVS 2 2 RELAY DRIVER VPS RL 4 17 OUT 1 S RL1 IN1 RELAY DRIVER VPS RL 5 16 IN 2 1 BZ2 ENBZ BUZZER DRIVER RL 6 15 IN 3 2 BZ IN 1 BZ VPS RL4 7 14 IN3 VP 5V REGULATOR V S DD BZ 8 13 IN 1 4 COM RST RESET ZERO VOLTS SYNC. BZ2 9 12 INBZ 30s FILTER SYN ZVS LEVEL SHIFTER EN 10 11 COM BZ IN EMI FILTER S OUTS FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The STCC05 is a control circuit embedding most of the analog & power circuitry of an air conditioner or refrigirator control module. It interfaces the micro-controller MCU with the AC power and cooling process sections. The voltage supply The 5V voltage regulator supplies the micro-controller MCU. Its input voltage ranges from 7V to 18V and its average DC output current up to 50mA. With an output filtering capacitor of 100F, its output voltage accuracy is better than +/- 5% in the whole operating range of the ambient temperature T , the load AMB current I and the input voltage V , contributing directly to the ADC accuracy. DD PS The regulator includes also an over current limiter and a thermal shutdown. The over current limiter pro- tects the regulator against output short circuits and inrush currents during the power up. The current limiter is made of a serial shunt resistance as current sensor and a circuit that regulates the input current. More- over, the thermal shutdown protects the whole circuit against overload operations. It is made of a thermal sensing junction and a hysteresis comparator that is able to switch off the passing element. R SENSE VPS V DD MCU Thermal Over current Shutdown Limiter V DD V DD 6k R > 100k UP /RST V DD VH RESET 1.25 V VL Reference 3k V = 3.75 V H R R C = 1 2 UP 100nF V = 3.40 V L VDD 2/13