STEVAL-ILL013V1 80 W offline PFC and LED driver demonstration board with dimming based on the L6562A Data Brief Features 80 W LED driver 350 mA, 700 mA and 1 A LED current settings High efficiency (~90%) Wide input voltage range: 88 V to 265 VAC High power factor: 0.982 for 230 V/50 Hz AC Universal PWM input for dimming (external board required) STEVAL-ILL013V1 Non-isolated SMPS Brightness regulation between 0 and 100% This demonstration board design is complaint EMI filter implemented with standard EN61000-3-2 (limits for harmonic EN55015 and EN61000-3-2 compliant current emissions). Description The use of high power LEDs in lighting applications is becoming increasingly popular due to rapid improvements in lighting efficiency, longer life, higher reliability and overall cost effectiveness. Dimming funtions are more easily implemented in LEDs, and they are more robust and offer wider design flexibility compared to other light sources. The STEVAL-ILL013V1 demonstration board is an 80 W offline dimmable LED driver with high power factor (PF) intended for 350 mA, 700 mA and 1 A LEDs. The converter is designed as a constant current source to achieve the best lighting performance from the LEDs, and can be used for lighting applications from low power, low voltage to high power, high voltage. This allows designers to cover a wide range of different LED systems using a single topology. Additionally, in lighting applications where the input active power is higher than 25 W and a high power factor is required, the high PF converter can be connected as the first stage, before the modified BUCK converter. March 2009 Rev 1 1/5 For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office. 5Circuit schematic STEVAL-ILL013V1 1 Circuit schematic Figure 1. Schematic diagram 2/5 R101RRR101110011 1616V CMCMCCMMC CCC 2x2x22xx222m22m222mmH/HH/H//1A111AAA 11M1M1MM F1F1FF11 NNTNNTTTCC TRTTRTRR11 112nF12nF122nnFF RR10RR1011008888 DD10D10D11003333 4400V00V C10C10CC11008888 11M11MMM R10RRR1011003333 TT101101110011 447R447R77RR 22A/250V22A/250VAA//225500VV 10R10R1100RR C10CC10C11003333 R106RR106R110066 12nF12nF1122nnFF SSTTTTHTTHTTHH1L0611L061LL0066 RR11R11R11118888 RRR1R11122223333 R126R126RR112266 JJ1J1J11 CC102CC102110022 CC109C109C110099 RRR109R109110099 22220nF/X220nF/X2200nnFF//XX22 11M11MMM 333333330000kk 22022000kk 11M11MMM 2270k2270k7700kk 1 470nF/X44470nF/X7700nnFF//XX22 447R47R477RR 2 DDD102D102110022 C112CC112C111122 150nF1150nF15500nnFF 3 BRBBBRRR11 R122RR122R112222 RRR119R119111199 RR102RR102110022 R107R107RR110077 1N11N1NN4144414411448888 RR110R110R111100 RR1RR11124224244 1M1M11MM 00 1M11M1MM RR127RR127112277 C104C104CC110044 2270k2270k7700kk 47k4447k77kk C111CCC111111111 22k2222k22kk 333333330000kk R104RR104R110044 U101UU101U110011 22022000kk 3 4 D104DD104D110044 LLL6562AL6562A66556622AA 222200nF2200nF220000nnFF RR117R117R111177 CC11CC1111113333 Q101QQ101Q110011 R1R1RR1122522555 11N1N1NN4144144411448888 8 1 220nF/X220nF/X222200nnFF//XX22 VVCCC ININV 47444777uuuu/450V/450V//445500VV 1A/250V1A/250V11AA//225500VV SSSSTTTTPPPP8888NMNNMNMM550F50F500FFPP 333333330000kk RR115RR115111155 1 3 7 2 Q102QQ102Q110022 MUMULLTT GGDD 33333333RRRR R105RR105R110055 100nF11100nF0000nnFF C110CCC110111100 C105C105CC110055 RR116RR116111166 R120RR120R112200 RR121RR121112211 BUBBUBUUXXXX888833 C101C101CC110011 447k47k477kk D101DDD101110011 R111RR111R111111 115k115k55kk RR1R1R1122228888 15k115k155kk CC106CC106110066 11n/ 11n/ nn// Y1YY1Y11// 250V // 250V 225500VV aaaacccc 110nF110nF00nnFF 11118888V/0.5V/0.5VV//00..55WW R114RR114R111144 88882k2k22kk 44443333kkkk CC107CC107110077 R11RR11R11113333 00 3333u33u33uuF/F/FF//33335V5V55VV R112R112RR111122 1R111RRR 11R11RRR 10101100uuuuF/F/FF//33335V5V55VV 11R1R1RR 400V400V 16V16V J2JJ2J22 CC202CC202220022 CC2CC22201010011 2 + CCC20C2022008888 22222222uuuuFFF/F///3333555V5VVV 1100nF100nF10000nnFF 1 - DD202DD202220022 00,4700,47,,4477uuuuFFF/450F/450//445500VV SSSSTTTTPPPPSSSSCCCC888806D06D0066DD L20L20LL220011 R20RRR2022008888 U201UU201U220011 47K47K4477KK JJJJ3333 L6562ALLL6562A66556622AA 111,6m1,6m,,66mmHHH / H / // 1172 1172 7722 TTTTuuuurrnrrnnnss QQ2Q2Q2200101011 1 + 1 8 2 IINNV VCVCC PPWM dimming signalWM dimming signal SSSSTTTTFF9NM50NFF9NM50N99NNMM5500NN 3 1 4 RR201R201R220011 JJ4J4J44 2 7 2 DD20DD2022003333 5 COCOMMPP GGDD 6 RRR209R209220099 - 33333333RRRR 1010 SSTTTTHTTHTTHH1L06A11L06A1LL0066AA 9 3 6 3333.9K..9K.99KK D201DDD201220011 MMUULTLT GNGND 8 7 1N11N1NN4414441411448888 6 DD204DD204220044 4 5 CCSS ZZCCD 5 4 111N1NNN4144441411448888 3 RR207R207R220077 C20CCC2022003333 2 RR202RR202220022 1 11K11KKK 11K1K1KK 2220pF/6220pF/622200ppFF//663333VVVV JPJJJPPP44 JPJJPJPP22 C207CC207C220077 JJJPJPPP11 JPJJJPPP33 JUJUJJUUMMPPPERPEREERR JUJUJJUUMMPPPERPEREERR JJJUJUUUMMPERPERPPEERR JJJUJUUUMMPERPERPPEERR 33333333000pF0pFppFF CCC204C204220044 C205CC205C220055 CC206C206C220066 RRR20R2022003333 R204RR204R220044 R2RRR22200050555 RR206R206R220066 3333KKKK99 333390pF/690pF/69900ppFF//663333VVVV 8888220pF/6220pF/600ppFF//663333VVVV 1n5/611n5/61nn55//663333VVVV 11R1R1RR5/0.6W55/0.6W5//00..66WW 2R222RRR777/0.6W7/0.6W//00..66WW 22R2R2RR22/0.6W2/0.6W2//00..66WW 2 1 4 3 ++ -- 1 2 6 GNGND 5 ZCZCD 4 1 1100 CCSS 2 9 2 3 8 CCOOMMPP 7 5 6 2 1 4 3 HeatsinkHeatsinkHHeeaattssiinnkk 2 1 4 3 HeatsinkHHeatsinkHeeaattssiinnkk 1 2 2 1