STEVAL-IPT002V1 Smartcard interface demonstration board based on the ST8024 Data brief Features Compatible with the NDS conditional access system IC card interface 3 V or 5 V supply for the IC (V and GND) DD DC-DC converter for V generation, CC separately powered from a 5 V 20% supply (V and PGND) DDP Thermal and short-circuit protection on all card contacts Enhanced ESD protection on card side (> 6 kV) ISO 7816, GSM11.11 and EMV (payment STEVAL-IPT002V1 systems) compatible RoHS compliant Description The STEVAL-IPT002V1demonstration board is based on the ST8024 smartcard interface. The ST8024 is designed to minimize the complexity of microprocessor hardware and software in applications requiring a smartcard, such as set- top boxes, electronic payment systems, pay TV, and identification cards. It is developed in accordance with NDS (News Digital Systems) conditional access requirements, and implements all blocks and procedures necessary for card activation/deactivation and checking. November 2009 Doc ID 16759 Rev 1 1/4 For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office. 4 2 & I 7 / XPSHU *1 ) ) Schematic diagram STEVAL-IPT002V1 1 Schematic diagram Figure 1. STEVAL-IPT002V1 schematic diagram - 2)) - 97+6(/ - - 567,1 9 9 - 9 & Q) & - - & & S) S) 9&& < - 7 3 FDUG . 0+ - , 28& - 8 8& &/. 2)) 9 9&& 567 *1 , 28& - 8 8& / 7 / 7 567,1 9&& 567 &/. 8 8 8& 8 8& 325 - & Q) Q) & - *1 5 52 *1 1& , 2 8 8 60 &/. ,9 &/. ,9 9 9 *1 3 6 9 3 6 983 35(6 35(6 , 2 8 8 &*1 8 67 1 &WFDUG FRQQHFWRU 3OHDVH VHOHFW -3 DV VSHFLILHG LQ WKH 35(6 FRQILJXUDWLRQ RU 1 2 VZLWFK LV LQFOXGHG LQ WKH VPD U - &/. ,9 & Q) - &/. ,9 ROORZV I & Q) 3LQ RI -3 WR - - 9 Q) & Q) 9 9 - 7 & 3 FDUG . & 35(6 FRQILJ -3 3OHDVH FRQQHFW WKH MXPSHUV DV 35(6 FRQ DQG 6: NLQG 35(6 6: 1 35(6 6: 1 1R 6ZLWFK - 9 3 : 5 . -3 983 -3 35(6 - *1 35(6 2/4 Doc ID 16759 Rev 1 9&& &0 9&& &0 - SLQV - SLQV 7& 5 &211(&7