L6565 QUASI-RESONANT SMPS CONTROLLER QUASI-RESONANT (QR) ZERO-VOLTAGE- SWITCHING (ZVS) TOPOLOGY LINE FEED FORWARD TO DELIVER CONSTANT POWER vs. MAINS CHANGE FREQUENCY FOLDBACK FOR OPTIMUM STANDBY EFFICIENCY PULSE-BY-PULSE & HICCUP-MODE OCP ULTRA-LOW START-UP (< 70A) AND DIP8(Minidip) SO-8 QUIESCENT CURRENT (< 3.5mA) DISABLE FUNCTION (ON/OFF CONTROL) ORDERING NUMBERS: 1% PRECISION ( T = 25C) INTERNAL j L6565N L6565D REFERENCE VOLTAGE 400mA TOTEM POLE GATE DRIVER WITH UVLO PULL-DOWN DESCRIPTION BLUE ANGEL, ENERGY STAR, ENERGY 2000 COMPLIANT The L6565 is a current-mode primary controller IC, specifically designed to build offline Quasi-resonant APPLICATIONS ZVS (Zero Voltage Switching at switch turn-on) fly- TV/MONITOR SMPS back converters. AC-DC ADAPTERS/CHARGERS Quasi-resonant operation is achieved by means of a DIGITAL CONSUMER transformer demagnetization sensing input that trig- PRINTERS, FAX MACHINES, gers MOSFET s turn-on. PHOTOCOPIERS AND SCANNERS BLOCK DIAGRAM COMP VFF 23 1 INV - LINE VOLTAGE FEEDFORWARD + 40K 4 2.5V CS 2 V VOLTAGE 5pF - + - + REGULATOR 8 VCC Hiccup-mode CC V OCP INTERNAL SUPPLY R Q 20V R1 Q S 7 GD + UVLO DRIVER - R2 VREF2 Blanking Starter START STOP ZERO CURRENT DETECTOR + BLANKING STARTER 2.1V - 1.6V Hiccup-mode OCP DISABLE 5 6 ZCD GND January 2003 1/17L6565 DESCRIPTION (continued) Converter s power capability variations with the mains voltage are compensated by line voltage feedforward. At light load the device features a special function that automatically lowers the operating frequency still main- taining the operation as close to ZVS as possible. In addition to very low start-up and quiescent currents, this feature helps keep low the consumption from the mains at light load and be Blue Angel and Energy Star com- pliant. The IC includes also a disable function, an on-chip filter on current sense, an error amplifier with a precise ref- erence voltage for primary regulation and an effective two-level overcurrent protection. PIN CONNECTION (Top view, Minidip and SO8) INV 1 8 Vcc COMP 2 7 GD VFF 3 6 GND ZCD CS 4 5 PIN DESCRIPTION N Name Function 1 INV Inverting input of the error amplifier. The information on the output voltage is fed into the pin through either a resistor divider (primary regulation) or an optocoupler (secondary feedback). This pin can be grounded in some secondary feedback schemes (see pin 2). 2 COMP Output of the error amplifier. Typically, a compensation network is placed between this pin and the INV pin to achieve stability and good dynamic performance of the voltage control loop. With secondary feedback, the pin can be also driven directly by an optocoupler to control PWM by modulating the current sunk from the pin (with the INV pin grounded). 3 VFF Line voltage feedforward. The information on the converters input voltage is fed into the pin through a resistor divider and is used to change the setpoint of the pulse-by-pulse current limitation (the higher the voltage, the lower the setpoint). If this function is not desired the pin will be grounded and the current limitation setpoint will be maximum. 4 CS Input to the PWM comparator. The primary current is sensed through a resistor, the resulting voltage is applied to this pin and compared with an internal reference to determine MOSFETs turn-off. The internal reference is clamped at a value, which defines the pulse-by-pulse current limitation setpoint, depending on the voltage at pin VFF. If the signal at the pin CS exceeds 2 V, the gate driver will be disabled (Hiccup-mode OCP). 5 ZCD Transformers demagnetization sensing input for Quasi-Resonant operation. Alternately, synchronization input for an external signal. A negative-going edge triggers MOSFETs turn-on. The trigger circuit is blanked for a minimum of 3.5 s after MOSFET turn-off, for safe operation under short circuit conditions and frequency foldback. If the pin is grounded the IC will be disabled. 6 GND Ground. Current return for both the signal part of the IC and the gate driver. 7 GD Gate driver output. The totem pole output stage is able to drive power MOSFETs and IGBTs with a peak current of 400 mA (source and sink). 8 Vcc Supply Voltage of both the signal part of the IC and the gate driver. An electrolytic capacitor is connected between this pin and ground. A resistor connected from this pin to the converters input bulk capacitor will be typically used to start up the device. 2/17