STTH60RQ06-Y Datasheet Automotive turbo 2 ultrafast high voltage rectifier Features A K AEC-Q101 qualified High junction temperature capability Ultrafast with soft recovery behavior Low reverse current A Low thermal resistance K Reduced switching and conduction losses DO-247 PPAP capable Description The STTH60RQ06-Y has been developed for applications requiring a high-voltage secondary rectification for LLC full bridge topology. Also it is ideal for switching power supplies, industrial and automotive applications, as rectification, freewheeling and clamping diode. Product status link STTH60RQ06-Y Product summary Symbol Value I 60 A F(AV) V 600 V RRM V 1.45 V F(max) t 35 ns rr (max) T -40 to +175 C j DS12510 - Rev 2 - April 2018 For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.STTH60RQ06-Y Characteristics 1 Characteristics Table 1. Absolute ratings (limiting values at 25 C, unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Value Unit V Repetitive peak reverse voltage (T = -40 C to +175 C) 600 V RRM j I Forward rms current 90 A F(RMS) I Average forward current 60 A F(AV) I Surge non repetitive forward current t = 10 ms sinusoidal 425 A FSM p T Storage temperature range -65 to +175 C stg T Operating junction temperature range -40 to +175 C j Table 2. Thermal resistance parameters Symbol Parameter Max. Unit R Junction to case 0.38 C/W th(j-c) Table 3. Static electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit T = 25 C - 80 j (1) V = V I Reverse leakage current A R R RRM T = 150 C - 160 1600 j T = 25 C - 2.45 j I = 30 A F T = 150 C - 1.15 1.45 j (2) V Forward voltage drop V F T = 25 C - 2.95 j I = 60 A F T = 150 C - 1.45 1.85 j 1. Pulse test: tp = 5 ms, < 2% 2. Pulse test: tp = 380 s, < 2% To evaluate the conduction losses, use the following equation: 2 P = 1.05 x I + 0.013 x I F(AV) F (RMS) Table 4. Dynamic electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit I = 0.5 A, I = 0.25 A, I = 1 A - 35 F rr R t T = 25 C Reverse recovery time ns rr j I = 1 A, V = 30 V, dI /dt = -50 A/s - 50 65 F R F I Reverse recovery current - 12 16 A RM Q Reverse recovery charge T = 125 C I = 60 A, V = 400 V, dl /dt = -200 A/s - 660 nC rr j F R F t Reverse recovery time - 92 ns rr DS12510 - Rev 2 page 2/10