TS4984 2 x 1W Stereo audio power amplifier with active low standby mode Operating from V =2.2V to 5.5V Pin Connections (top view) CC 1W output power per channel V =5V, CC THD+N=1%, RL=8 TS4984IQ TQFN16 4x4mm 10nA standby current 62dB PSRR 217Hz with grounded inputs High SNR: 100dB(A) typ. Near-zero pop & click Available in QFN16 4x4 mm, 0.5mm pitch, leadfree package Description The TS4984 has been designed for top of the VO-VO-LL class stereo audio applications. Thanks to its VO+VO+LL VVCC1CC1 VCVCCC22 compact and power dissipation efficient QFN package, it suits various applications. 161616 151515 111444 131313 With a BTL configuration, this Audio Power ININ-- LL STSTBBYY 11 1212 Amplifier is capable of delivering 1W per channel ININ++ L L BBYYPPAASS RSS R 22 1111 of continuous RMS output power into an 8 load BBYPAYPASS LSS L 33 1010 IN+IN+ R R 5V. 44 99 NCNC IN-IN- RR An externally controlled standby mode control 5656 77 88 reduces the supply current to less than 10nA per channel. The device also features an internal thermal shutdown protection. GGND1ND1 GGND2ND2 VVOO++RR VVOO--RR The gain of each channel can be configured by external gain setting resistors. Applications Cellular mobile phones LCD monitors & TVs Notebook computers & PDAs Portable audio devices Order Codes Part Number Temperature Range Package Packaging Marking TS4984IQT -40, +85C QFN Tape & Reel K984 January 2005 Revision 1 1/29TS4984 Typical Application 1 Typical Application Figure 1 shows a schematic view of a typical audio amplification application using the TS4984. Table 1 describes the components used in this typical application. Figure 1: Typical application schematic Cfeed-L Rfeed-L 22k VCC Cs 1u U1 Input L Cin-L Rin-L 1 IN-L - GND 22k 100n VO-L 16 2 IN+L + VCC 1 - 2 12 Standby Neg. Output L Bias VO+L 15 3 AV = -1 Pos. Output L 3 Bypass L + Cb 1u Wire optional Internal connection 10 IN+R + VO-R 8 Cin-R Rin-R 9 IN-R Input R - 22k GND 100n - Neg. Output R VO+R 7 AV = -1 Pos. Output R 11 Bypass R + TS4984 Cfeed-R Rfeed-R 22k Table 1: External component descriptions Components Functional Description Inverting input resistors which sets the closed loop gain in conjunction with R . These resistors feed R IN L,R also form a high pass filter with C (fc = 1 / (2 x Pi x R x C )). IN IN IN C Input coupling capacitors which blocks the DC voltage at the amplifier input terminal. IN L,R R Feedback resistors which sets the closed loop gain in conjunction with R . FEED L,R IN C Supply Bypass capacitor which provides power supply filtering. S C Bypass pin capacitor which provides half supply filtering. B A Closed loop gain in BTL configuration = 2 x (R / R ) on each channel. V L, R FEED IN 2/29 + 5 GND1 VCC1 14 6 GND2 VCC2 13 +