TSP3H1500S Taiwwan Semmiconducttor 3A, 1500V Trencch Schoottky Reectifierss FFEATURESS KEY PARAMEETERS Low power loss, high eefficiency PARAMETTER VALLUE UNIT Ideal for auutomated plaacement I 33 A F(AV) High surgee current cappability Compliant to RoHS dirrective 2011//65/EU and V 1550 V RRM in accordaance to WEEE 2002/96/EEC I 990 A FSM Halogen-frree accordingg to IEC 612249-2-21 V at I =33A F F 0.86 V T 1550 C AAPPLICATTIONS J MAX Switching mode powerr supply (SMPS) Packagee SMPC Adapters Configurattion SSingle dice Lighting appplication On-board DC/DC convverter MMECHANICCAL DATAA Case: TO--277A (SMPCC) Molding coompound: ULL flammabilitty classification rating 94VV-0 3 Moisture ssensitivity levvel: level 1, per J-STD-0220 Packing coode with sufffix meanss green commpound 1 (halogen-ffree) 2 Matte tin pplated leads, solderable pper J-STD-0002 Meet JESDD 201 class 1A whisker test Polarity: Inndicated by ccathode bandd Weight: 955 mg (approxximately) Anodee 1 Cathode Anodee 2 ABSOLUTTE MAXIMMUM RATTINGS (T = 25C unleess otherwisee noted) AA PPARAMETEER SYMBOLL TSPP3H150S UNITT MMarking codee on the devicce 3H150 MMaximum reppetitive peak reverse voltaage V 150 V RRM MMaximum RMMS voltage V 105 V RMS MMaximum DCC blocking vooltage V 150 V DC MMaximum aveerage forwarrd rectified cuurrent I 3 A F(AV) PPeak forward surge current, 8.3 ms single half sinee-wave I 90 A FSM superimposedd on rated looad (Note1) NNon-repetitivee peak reverrse current I 2 A RSM VVoltage rate oof change (RRated V ) dV/dt 10,000 V/s R OOperating Junnction and SStorage Tempperature Rannge T , T - 555 to +150 C J STG Nootes: 1: Pulse width : 5 us / pulse No. : 10 timmes 1 VVersion:A1607 TSP3H1500S Taiwwan Semmiconducttor THHERMALL PERFORRMANCEE PPARAMETEER SYMBOLL LIMIT UNITT Junction to Leead Thermall Resistance R 16 C/W JL Junction to Ambient Thermal Resistannce R 58.5 C/W JA Junction to CCase Thermal Resistancee R 21.5 C/W JC Thermal Performmance Note: Units mounteed on recommmended PCB (16mm x 16mmm Cu test boaard) EELECTRICCAL SPEECIFICATTIONS (T == 25C unlesss otherwise noted) A PPARAMETEER CONDITIONS SYMBOLL MIN TYP MMAX UNIIT I = 1A, T = 25C - 0.65 00.74 F J V I = 3A, T = 25C - 0.77 00.86 V F J MMaximum insttantaneous fforward V F (Note 1) vooltage I = 1A, T = 125C - 0.53 00.62 V F J I = 3A, T = 125C - 0.62 00.71 V F J T = 25C - J 1 10 AA MMaximum revverse currentt rated I R (Note 2) VV T = 125C - 1 10 mAA R J 1 MHz, V =44.0V Juunction capaacitance R C - 150 - pFF J I =0.5A , I ==1.0A F R RReverse recovvery time t - 20 - ns rr I =0.25A RR Nootes: 1. Pulse test wwith PW=0.33 ms 2. Pulse test wwith PW=30 ms ORRDERINGG INFORMMATION PACKINGG PAACKING PART NNO. PACKKAGE PACCKING CODE CODDE SUFFIX 1,500 / 7 Plastic reel S1 (Note 1) TTSP3H150SS G SMMPC 6,000 / 133 Paper reel S2 Nootes: 1. Whole series with greeen compoundd EXXAMPLE PAACKING PACKING EXAMPLEE P/N PART NO. DESCRRIPTION CODE CODE SSUFFIX Green ccompound TSP3H150SS S1G TSP3H150SS S1 GG 2 VVersion:A1607