The DMP3098L with SOT-23 MOSFETs ROHS manufactured by TECH PUBLIC is a small-sized transistor device that is specifically designed to deliver low gate charge, low capacitance, low on-resistance, and fast switching performance. It can operate over a wide range of temperatures and is suitable for both digital and analog applications. This MOSFET utilizes an SOT-23 package, which is well-suited for limited-space applications, such as those found in mobile and consumer electronics. The MOSFET provides superior switching performance with a low maximum on-resistance of 13.9 ohms, resulting in exceptional power efficiency. In addition, this part offers low gate-charge levels of 30nC and low total gate capacitance of 3.4pF, ensuring reduced switching losses. The DMP3098L is RoHS compliant, making it suitable for new projects and designs requiring lead-free components.