The TPESD1221P is an Electronic Permanently Enabled Bidirectional Thyristor Protection Device manufactured by TECH PUBLIC. This device is designed to provide bidirectional overvoltage and overcurrent protection of relatively high-value, high-impedance circuits in applications such as automotive electronics, data communication systems, or industrial systems. The device operates in both wide-voltage and wide-current ranges and provides superior surge protection up to 6kV/3A. The device is extremely small and comes in a DFN1006-2 RoHS package, which makes it suitable for space-constrained applications. It also features a low turn-on voltage of 0.5V, low clamping voltage, fast response time, and high thermal stability, making it an ideal choice for protecting sensitive electronic components. Moreover, the device also features built-in ESD protection diodes, which provide additional protection against excessive electrostatic discharge.