17 and 47 UltraStable PC Board Mountable Pressure Sensor 0-100 mV Output Current Excitation Gage and Absolute Temperature Compensated 17 47 DESCRIPTION The 17 and 47 UltraStable are high performance, temperature compensated, piezoresistive silicon pressure sensors packaged in a TO-8 configuration. It uses Measurement Specialties proprietary UltraStable die to provide excellent performance and long-term stability over wide temperatures. Gage and absolute pressure ranges from 0-15 to 0-250 psi are available. Integral temperature compensation is provided over a range of -20C to +85C using laser-trimmed resistors. An additional laser- trimmed resistor is included to normalize pressure sensitivity variations by programming the gain of an external differential amplifier. This provides sensitivity interchangeability of 1%. Please refer to 13 and 43 for information on products with operating pressures less than 0-15 psi. FEATURES APPLICATIONS TO-8 Package Medical Instruments -20C to +85C Compensated Process Control Temperature Range Factory Automation 0.1% Non Linearity Altitude Measurement 1.0% Interchangeable Span Vacuum Measurement (provided by gain set resistor) Handheld Calibrators Solid State Reliability STANDARD RANGES Range psig psia 0 to 15 0 to 30 0 to 50 0 to 100 0 to 250 17USand47US www.meas-spec.com June 2011 1/4 17 and 47 UltraStable PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Supply Current: 1.5 mA Ambient Temperature: 25C (unless otherwise specified) PARAMETERS MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Span 75 100 150 mV 1 Zero Pressure Output -2 2 mV Pressure Non Linearity -0.1 0.05 0.1 %Span 2 Pressure Hysteresis -0.1 0.01 0.1 %Span Input Resistance 2200 4000 5800 Output Resistance 4200 Temperature Error Span -0.5 0.3 0.5 %Span 3 Temperature Error Zero -0.5 0.1 0.5 %Span 3 Temperature Coefficient Resistance 0.15 %/C 3 Thermal Hysteresis Zero 0.05 %Span 3 Short Term Stability (Offset & Span) 0.05 %Span 4 Long Term Stability (Offset & Span) 0.1 %Span 5 Supply Current 0.5 1.5 2.0 mA Response Time (10% to 90%) 1.0 mS 6 Output Noise (10Hz to 1kHz) 1.0 V p-p Pressure Overload 3X Rated 7 Compensated Temperature -20 +85 C Operating Temperature -40 +125 C Storage Temperature -50 +150 C Weight 3 grams Solder Temperature 250C Max 5 Sec. Media Non-Corrosive Dry Gases Compatible with Silicon, Pyrex, RTV, Gold, Nickel, and Aluminum Notes 1. Ratiometric to supply current. For 250 psi devices, the minimum span value is 62 mV. 2. Best fit straight line. 3. Maximum temperature error between -20C and +85C with respect to 25C. 4. Short term stability over 7 days with constant current and temperature. 5. Long term stability over a one year period with constant current and temperature. 6. For a zero-to-full scale pressure step change. 7. 2X maximum for 250 psi device. 17USand47US www.meas-spec.com June 2011 2/4