6487 Picoammeter/ Voltage Source The 5-digit Model 6487 Picoammeter/Voltage Source improves on the measurement capability of the award-winning Model 6485, and adds a high resolution 500V source . It provides higher accuracy and faster rise times than the 6485, as well as a damping function for use with capaci- tive devices . With eight current measurement ranges and high speed autoranging, this cost- effective instrument can measure currents from 20fA to 20mA, take measure ments at speeds up to 1000 readings per s econd, and source voltage from 200V to 505V . The Model 6487s 10fA resolution, superior sen- sitivity, voltage sweeping, and Alternating Voltage resistance measurements make it well suited for characterizing low current devices . Using the latest current measurement technology, it is sig- nificantly less expensive than other instruments that perform similar functions, such as optical power meters, tera-ohmmeters, competitive picoammeters, or user-designed solutions . With 10fa resolution a price thats comparable to a high-end DMM, the Model 6487 makes picoamp-level measurements affordable for virtually any laboratory or production floor . 5-digit resolution l ow Voltage burden and Higher accuracy <200V burden voltage While DMMs typically employ shunt ammeter circuitry to measure current, the Model 6487 is a feed- alternating Voltage method back picoammeter . This design reduces voltage burden by several orders of magnitude, resulting in a ohms measurements voltage burden of less than 200V on the lower measurement ranges . The low voltage burden makes the Model 6487 function much more like an ideal ammeter than a DMM, so it can make current automated voltage sweeps for measurements with high accuracy, even in circuits with very low source voltages . I-V characterization successor to the Model 487 f loating measurements up to Model 487 Model 6487 500V Current Ranges 2 nA2 mA 2 nA20 mA The Model 6487 builds on the strengths of 200 V (1 mV on one of Keithleys most popular picoammeters, Voltage Burden 200 V up to 1000 readings/second 20 mA range) the Model 487, offering an additional 20mA Reading Rate Up to 180/s Up to 1000/s built-in Model 486 and 487 measurement range, as well as much higher Voltage Sweeps No Yes emulation mode measurement speeds, up to 1000 readings per Alternating Voltage No Yes second . It simplifies device characterization Ohms IEEE-488 and rs -232 interfaces with built-in voltage sweeping capability and the Yes Yes Analog Output Alternating Voltage method for high resistances . (non-inverting) (inverting) analog output A time-stamped 3000-reading data buffer pro- Storage Buffer 512 points 3000 points Digital I/o vides minimum, maximum, and standard devia- Best V Source 1 mV 0 . 2 mV Resolution tion statistics . A built-in emulation mode makes it possible to control the Model 6487 with any custom code written to control the Model 487 . f eatures that Expand Test and Measurement f lexibility 14 Direct resistance measurements. Optimized for resistances from 50W to 510 W using the Source Voltage/Measure Current method . Alternating Voltage method resistance measurements. This method improves resistance measurements on devices with high background current or high noise . It extends the measurable 16 resistance range up to 10 W . 500V overload protection. This high overload protection and a robust design let the Model 6487 to lerate abusive overflows, including accidentally shorting the voltage source directly into the ammeter . 1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only) www.keithley.com A Greater Measure of Confidence Measures low currents and high resistances quickly, accurately, and economically LOW LEVEL MEASURE & SOURCE Measures low currents and high resistances quickly, accurately, and economically 6487 Picoammeter/ Voltage Source Rear panel triax input. This allows the picoammeter to be used in floating operation, up to 500V . When not floating, the addition of a triax to BNC adapter allows inexpensive, easy-to-use ordering Information BNC cables to be employed, rather than more expensive triaxial cables . 6487 Picoammeter/ RS-232 and IEEE-488 interfaces. These interfaces make it easy to integrate the Model 6487 into Voltage source automated test and measurement systems . accessories supplied Scaled voltage analog output. This output allows the Model 6487 to transmit measurement Ca-186-1b results to devices like DMMs, data acquisition cards, oscilloscopes, or strip chart recorders . Ground Connection Built-in Trigger Link interface. The Trigger Link interface simplifies synchronizing the Model Cable, banana 6487 with other instruments and voltage sources . This interface combines six independent to screw-l ug selectable trigger lines on a single connector for simple, direct control over all instruments CaP-31 Protective shield/ in a system . Cap (3-lug) Display on/off switch. For research on light-sensitive components, such as measuring the dark Cs-459 safety Interlock Plug currents of photodiodes or I-V measurements on unpackaged semiconductors, the front panel 7078-Tr X-3 display can be switched off to avoid introducing light that could significantly reduce the accuracy l ow Noise Triax Input of the results . Cable, 1m (3 ft) One-touch front panel design. Functions can be configured easily with the push of a button, 8607 High Voltage banana without complicated function menus . Cable set for Voltage source o utput a broad r ange of l ow Current applications Wafer-l evel Photodiode Testing The Model 6487 Picoammeter/Voltage Source can be paired with a calibrated light source and a probing fixture to create a cost-effective photodiode test system . Multiple Model 6487s can be con- nected to the DUTs probe pads to provide photocurrent readings or, with the addition of a switch matrix, one pico ammeter can take current measurements from multiple pads . In the first step of the measurement process, performed in total darkness, the Model 6487 produces a voltage sweep and then measures the resulting dark current . In the second step, a voltage bias is applied and the result- ing photocurrent is meas ured while the light level is increased in calibrated steps . The same basic test configuration can be used for testing positive intrinsic negative (PIN) and avalanche photodiodes (APDs) . The 6487s high resolution on the 10V source range provides superior sweeping and biasing when small biases are required . The 500V source capability is necessary to bias APDs . aPPl ICaTIo Ns r esistance/resistivity measurements Calibrated Light Source Photo Diode beam monitoring and radiation monitoring Pads l eakage current testing in insulators, switches, relays, and Probe Needles Probe other components Needles Galvanic coupling Wafer measurements I-V characterization on semiconductor and optoelectronic devices f iber alignment Circuit test and analysis in DCl f V circuits source Ammeter sensor characterization 6487 Picoammeter/Voltage Source Capacitor leakage 1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only) www.keithley.com A Greater Measure of Confidence Measures low currents and high resistances quickly, accurately, and economically LOW LEVEL MEASURE & SOURCE Measures low currents and high resistances quickly, accurately, and economically