486 Picoammeter 487 Picoammeter/Voltage Source 486: 486 Picoammeter 1 The Model 486 is a 5 2-digit autoranging picoammeter designed for low current applications where fast 10fA sensitivity reading rates must be made. It offers a speed of 180 readings per second. 180 readings per second The 486 is ideal for low-level DC current applications, such as: IEEE-488 interface PMT current measurements 487: mass spectrometer current measurements Resistivity measurements probe current measurements in electrochemistry 16 (<1 to >10 ) plasma generated currents 500V source ion chamber currents 10fA sensitivity Operation is fast and convenient. Selectable analog and digital filters provide optimum wide-band per- formance with minimum noise. Autoranging selects the most appropriate range within 100ms. The meas- 180 readings per second urement buffer holds up to 512 readings for fast data acquisition. Any reading within the buffer may be displayed, or the entire buffer may be searched for the maximum and minimum values. IEEE-488 interface Other important features include REL, which allows measurements to be made relative to a selectable baseline. ZERO CHECK and CORRECT functions correct for voltage offset errors using front panel or soft- ware commands. The IEEE-488 interface provides simple integration and convenient user interaction. Digital calibration can Ordering Information be accomplished over the bus or completely from the front panel. The display features three selectable intensities (bright, dim, and off) for use in light-sensitive environments. 486 Picoammeter 487 Picoammeter/Voltage Source 487 Picoammeter/Voltage The Model 487 is designed for measurement of low currents and very high resistances. This instrument Source incorporates all the capabilities of the 486, and adds a programmable 500V source. This combination of These products are available picoammeter and voltage source provides a powerful high resistance meter and fast picoammeter in one with an Extended Warranty. instrument. The 487 makes current measurements from 10fA to 2mA. Two voltage source ranges are available: a 500V Accessories Supplied range with 10mV resolution and a 50V range with 1mV resolution. A PRESET button allows the user to 237-ALG-2 Low Noise Triax toggle between two separate source values. Cable, 3-Slot Triax to Alligator Clips, 2m (6.6 ft) The 487 sources up to 500V, measures the current with 10fA sensitivity, and then instantly calculates the 16 resistance value, from 500m to 5 10 . The unit displays either current or resistance. Reading inter- Model 487 also comes with 236- vals from 10ms to 1000s can be programmed, simplifying tests that require a predetermined soak time. ILC-3 Interlock Cable, 3m (10 ft) Two displays, one for current readings and one for voltage sourcing, permit the voltage setting and the measured current to be viewed throughout the measurement. The Model 487 and the 6517A are the most effective test instruments for performing such tasks as resis- tivity, I-V measurements, component leakage, and insulation resistance. A common test procedure, writ- ten by the American Society of Testing and Materials, D257: D-C RESISTANCE OR CONDUCTANCE OF INSULATING MATERIALS, is easily performed with the 487 or the 6517A. 1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only) www.keithley.com A GREA TER MEASURE OF CONFIDENCE LOW I/HIGH R PRODUCTS Designed for low current applications that require fast readings486 Picoammeter 487 Picoammeter/Voltage Source IEEE-488 BUS IMPLEMENTATION AMMETER ANALOG OUTPUT ACCURACY (1 Year)* Rise Time (10%90%) PROGRAMMABLE PARAMETERS: All parameters programmable except for 1828C Analog Filter IEEE-488 bus address and frequency for line integration. RANGE RESOLUTION (%rdg+offset) OFF ON TRIGGER TO FIRST BYTE: <50ms (trigger on TALK, ATN false to talker DAV 2nA 10 fA 0.3 + 500 fA 12 ms 70 ms true, G7 data format). 20 nA 100 fA 0.2 + 3 pA 4 ms 17 ms 200 nA 1 pA 0.15 + 20 pA 800 s 4 ms 2A10pA 0.15 + 200 pA 380 s 2 ms GENERAL 20 A 100 pA 0.1 + 2 nA 160 s 370 s 200 A 1 nA 0.1 + 20 nA 160 s 370 s DATA STORE and MIN/MAX: Stores up to 512 readings and identifies minimum and maximum reading. 2mA 10 nA 0.1 + 200 nA 160 s 370 s PROGRAMMABLE READING INTERVAL: 10ms to 999.999s in 1ms increments. * When properly zeroed. TRIGGER: One-shot or continuous from front panel, IEEE-488 bus, and rear MAXIMUM OVERLOAD: 350V peak on nA ranges and 2A range 50V peak on 20A, 200A, and 2mA ranges. panel BNC. Higher voltage sources must be current limited at 3mA. PROGRAMMABLE TRIGGER DELAY: 1ms to 999.999s in 1ms increments. INPUT VOLTAGE BURDEN: <200V (1828C) for inputs <100A <2mV for inputs 100A 20V/C tempera- DISPLAY: One ten character plus one eight character alphanumeric LED displays ture coefficient. with normal/dim/off intensity control. TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT (018C & 2850C): (0.15 applicable accuracy specification)/ C. MAXIMUM VOLTAGE BETWEEN VOLTAGE SOURCE AND CURRENT METER: NMRR: >60dB at 50Hz (LINE 50Hz integration) or 60Hz (LINE 60Hz integration). 500V DC. ANALOG OUTPUT: MAXIMUM VOLTAGE BETWEEN CHASSIS AND VOLTAGE SOURCE OR CUR- Range: 2V for full range input (non-inverting). RENT METER: 500V DC. Accuracy: (2.5% + 3mV) resistive loads >2k 1828C. REAR PANEL CONNECTORS: Impedance: <100 , DC2kHz. Input Connector: 3-lug triax. RANGING: Automatic or manual. Analog Output: 5-way binding post. AUTORANGING TIME: <200ms to final range (analog filter OFF). External Trigger and Meter Complete: BNC connectors. IEEE-488 Connector: Chassis grounded. MAXIMUM READING RATES (readings/second): EXTERNAL TRIGGERED VIA Voltage Source Output (487 only): 5-way binding post. INTEGRATION CONTINUOUS INTO INTO IEEE-488 Interlock Connector (487 only): 3-pin miniature DIN. SETTING RESOLUTION DATA STORE DATA STORE BUS** EMC: Conforms to European Union Directive 89/336/EEC. 1 FAST 4 2-Digit 100 180 16 SAFETY: Conforms to European Union Directive 73/23/EEC (meets EN61010- 1 LINE 60Hz 5 2-Digit 40 44 14 1/IEC 1010). 1 LINE 50Hz 5 2-Digit 33 38 12 ENVIRONMENT: Operating: 050C, <70% RH up to 35C linearly derate 3% ** One-shot on TALK, G7 data format. RH/C, up to 50C. Storage: 25 to 60C. WARM-UP: 2 hours to rated accuracy. VOLTAGE SOURCE (487 only): POWER: 105125V AC or 210250V AC (external switch selectable), 90110V ACCURACY TEMPERATURE and 180220V AC version available. 50Hz or 60Hz, 45VA maximum. RANGE STEP (1 Year) NOISE COEFFICIENT 1 3 DIMENSIONS: 90mm high 213mm wide 397mm deep (3 2 in 8 8 in (maximum SIZE 1828C (p-p)*** 018C & 5 15 8 in). value) (typical) (%setting+offset) 0.110Hz 2850C 505.00 V 10 mV 0.15 + 40 mV <1.5 mV 80 ppm + 2 mV/C ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE 50.500 V 1 mV 0.1 + 4 mV <150 V 50 ppm + 200V/C CABLES *** With LO terminal connected to chassis. 236-ILC-3 Safety Interlock Cable SELECTABLE CURRENT LIMIT: 2.5mA 0.5mA or 25A 5A. 237-ALG-2 Low Noise Cable WIDEBAND NOISE: <30mV p-p 0.1Hz to 20MHz. 7078-TRX-3 3-Slot Male Triax to 3-Slot Male Triax Cable, 0.9m (3 ft) TIME STABILITY: (0.003% + 1mV) over 24 hours at constant temperature. ADAPTERS OUTPUT RESISTANCE: <2.5 . 6171 3-Slot Male Triax to 2-Lug Female Triax V/I OHMS (487 only) 6172 2-Slot Male Triax to 3-Lug Female Triax 7078-TRX-BNC Used with voltage source resistance calculated from voltage setting and measured current. V/I OHMS accuracy 3-Slot Male Triax to BNC Adapter equals voltage source accuracy plus ammeter accuracy. Typical accuracy better than 0.6% for readings between 1k TEST FIXTURE and 1T . 8008 Resistivity Chamber RACK MOUNTS 4288-1 Single Fixed Rack Mount Kit 4288-2 Dual Fixed Rack Mount Kit 4288-4 Dual Fixed Rack Mount Kit 486 Rear Panel 487 Rear Panel 1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only) www.keithley.com A GREA TER MEASURE OF CONFIDENCE LOW I/HIGH R PRODUCTS Model 486 and 487 Specifications